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2015 Board of Governors Elections Announced

July 30, 2015

HathiTrust Digital Library today announces its 2015 Board of Governors election cycle.   Beginning Monday, August 3 the Nominating Committee will receive nominees for an election to be held in the fall. Nominations are due no later than August 24. These will be the first Board elections held since the original at-large members were elected to staggered terms in 2012.   ​

Official notice of the 2015 Election Process, which includes detailed instructions for nominations and requirements of nominees, can be found at https://www.hathitrust.org/elections2015.  

The Board of Governors has ultimate responsibility for HathiTrust's activities, functions, finances, and operations.  It includes six at-large members elected by the membership and six members appointed by the founding institutions.  Elected members serve three year terms.  To be selected to be part of the final ballot, nominees should have a record of significant administrative responsibility, have demonstrated leadership within the community, and currently serve as the official member representative of a HathiTrust member institution.   

Three seats will be filled in the election:

  • Two seats with terms running from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018.  These seats are currently held by Sarah Michalak, University of North Carolina-Chapel HIll and Carol Mandel, New York University.  
  • One seat with a term running from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. This election is necessary because of the retirement of Patricia Steele from the University of Maryland.  Anne Kenny, Cornell University was appointed by the Board to fill this seat for the remainder of 2015.  

Nominations may be made by any individual affiliated with a HathiTrust member institution.  Self-nominations are permitted.  

The members of the 2015 Nominating Committee are:

  • Sarah Michalak, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (Chair)
  • Alberta Comer, University of Utah 
  • Robert Gerrity, University of Queensland
  • Lorraine Haricomb, University of Texas, Austin
  • Karen Williams, University of Arizona.  

For further information contact Melissa Stewart (mmstewa@hathitrust.org). 

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