This is a brief note on the current hardware and software environment we are using for Solr testing.
Solr Servers
- Two Dell PowerEdge 1950 blades
- 2 x Dual Core Intel Xeon 3.0 GHz 5160 Processors
- 8GB - 32GB RAM depending on the test configuration
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 (kernel: 2.6.18 PAE)
- Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build: 1.6.0_11-b03)
- Solr 1.3
- Tomcat 5.5.26
Storage Server
- Dell PowerEdge 1650
- 2 x Intel Pentium III 1.2GHz Processors
- Fedora Core (kernel: 2.6.17)
- 2 x ACNC JetStor 416S SCSI/SATA hardware RAID 6 (1 3TB, 14 x 250GB SATA; 1 6TB, 14 x 500GB SATA)
- LVM2 volume striping across RAIDs
- NFS over a dedicated/private GbE network
We will be installing new hardware for the production system soon and will be able to run a few tests before we switch it into production.