CRMS has truly been a team effort. Through the investment and commitment of staff who have dedicated a portion of their time to participate in copyright review, we have collectively reviewed over 900,000 items, identifying 509,000 public domain works. This project has been generously funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services starting in 2008, based on an initial proposal submitted by John Wilkin, then Founding Executive Director of HathiTrust and now Juanita J. and Robert E. Simpson Dean of Libraries and University Librarian, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The names of individuals who have been involved in this project as reviewers or managers of the project are found below (listed at the organization at which they were employed when they were involved).
Amherst College: Maryanne Alos
Baylor University Libraries: Brenda Anderson, Ramona McKeown, Billie Peterson-Lugo, Denyse Rodgers, Jeff Steely, Darlene Youts
Boston College: Naomi Rubin
California Digital Library: Ivy Anderson, Renata Ewing, Curtis Lavery, Nancy Scott-Noennig, Virginia Sinclair
Columbia University Libraries: Kaitlyn Burch, Ryan Graham, Zachary Lane, Robert Rendall
Cornell University: Caitlin Finlay, Michelle Hubbell, Michelle Nair
Dartmouth College Library: Karla Bushway, Goodie Corriveau, Lori Heath, Judy Maynes, Sarah McBride, Jan Peltzer
DePaul University: Wendall Sullivan
Duke University Libraries: Winston Atkins, Judith Bailey, Tzvetan Benov, Candice Brown, Robert Byrd, Shawn Elder, Jamie Keesecker, Marsha Perry, Annette Tillery
Georgia State University: Laura Burtle
Indiana University Libraries: Janet M. Black, Thomas Bullard, Lisa Cameron, Erin Green, Elizabeth Hanson, Kathryn Marlett, Sarah McAfoose, Jo McClamroch, Sherri Michaels, Nazareth Pantaloni III
Johns Hopkins University Library: Christopher Case, Katherine DeSousa, Dawn Hale, Isabelle Kargon
Lafayette College: Ana Ramirez Luhrs, Terese Heidenwolf
McGill University Library: Barbora Boronell, Jennifer Innes, Louise Robert, Louise Robertson, Sarah Severson, Heidi Simmons
McMaster University: Jaehee Bae, Myron Groover, Tamara Monster, Adam Snively
New York University: Daniel Biddle, Zach Coble
Northwestern University Library: Katie Brown, Ann Duncan-Gibbs, Liz Hamilton, Shelley Morrison, Dru Parrish, Claire Stewart, Jennifer Young, Dan Zellner
Ohio State University Library: Pamela Cale, Zaineb Bayahy, Sandra Enimil, Walter Risley, Maria Scheid, Allison DeVito
Penn State University Libraries: Ryan Ake, Benjamin Blakeslee-Drain, Carol Bridgens, Grace Brooks, Yesenia Figueroa-Lifschitz, Jonathan Hindman, Chris Holobar, Michele Joseph, Nicolle Nicastro, Jennifer Phillips, Melanie Rinker, Ann Snowman, Tracy Reilly, Mark Leskovansky, Kelly S. Riley
Princeton University Library: Marvin Bielawski, Jennifer Block
Queens University: Vanessa Selics
Stanford University: Kris Kasianovitz, Judy Marsh
Temple University: Fred Rowland
Texas A&M University Libraries: Laura Sare
Texas State University: Margaret Vavarek, Scott Pope, Amanda L. Scott
University of Alberta: Arden Hill, Kimberley Kemmer, Sally-Ann Mowat, Sharon Phillips
University of Arizona Libraries: elissa Mondschein, Dana Von Berg
University of British Columbia: Stefan Hintersteininger, Simonida Jocic
University of California, Irvine: Carol Hughes, Colby Riggs, Kevin Ruminson
University of California, Los Angeles: Martin Brennan, Diane Gurman, Edward Kip Hannan, Angela Riggio, Callie Holmes
University of California, San Diego: Becky Culbertson, Kelly Smith
University of California, San Francisco: Julia Kochi, David MacFarland
University of California, Santa Cruz: Shelby Bush, Maria Del Toro, Maya Gupta, Caitlin McCarthy, Sue Perry
University of Chicago: Connie Fleischer
Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Antonio Moreno Cañizares, Almudena Caballos Villar
University of Florida: John Griffin, Acacia Ramey
University of Houston: Bethany Scott
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library: Hiromi Morikawa, Sarah Hoover, Betsy Kruger, Elizabeth Lippoldt, Joshua Shelly, Angela Waarala, Lura Joseph, Qiang Jin
University of Kentucky: Carla Cantagallo
University of Maryland Libraries: Paul Bushmiller, Leigh Ann DePope, Donna King, Yeo-Hee Koh, Audrey Lengel, Terry Owen, Loretta Tatum
University of Massachussetts Amherst: Jeremy Smith, Lisa Di Valentino
University of Michigan: Rachel Adler, Richard Adler, Judy Ahronheim, Jack Bernard, Justin Bonfiglio, Matt Carruthers, Kyle Clark, Paul Courant, Amy Crist, Kristina Eden Hall, Bobby Glushko, Moses Hall, Anne Karle-Zenith, Melissa Levine, Dennis McWhinnie, Michael Mueller, Greg Nichols, Emily Peiffer, Joseph Pratt, Heather Shoecraft, Eric Sortor, Jen Talley, Hongyun Theros, Jocilyn Wagner, John Weise, Chris Wilcox, John Wilkin, Jenn Wright
University of Minnesota Library: Melissa Aho, Lynne Beck, Laureen Boutang, Sandra Cressman, Virginia Dudley, Steve Koehler, Dennis Lien, David Linton, Mary Mortenson, Rory Segety, Edward Swanson, Carla Urban, Mark Wilhelmi, Sue Zuriff, Marlys McGuire
University of Mississippi: John Sanders
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Cynthia Baker, Cynthia Cowan, Libby Wilcher, Lisa Gregory, Anne Conway
University of Notre Dame: Monica Moore
University of Oklahoma: Molly Murphy
University of Pennsylvania: Nat Bender, Shawn Jasper
University of Pittsburgh: Jennifer Needham, Jonah McAllister-Erickson, David Frank
University of Tennessee Knoxville: Rachel Caldwell, Kris Bronstad
University of Texas San Antonio: Emily Johnson
University of Virginia: Bill Corey, Hanni Nabahe
University of Wisconsin-Madison Library: Michael Cohen, Cynthia Lundey, Maren Mayer, Lisa Nachreiner, Karen Rattunde, Rita Roemer, Alan Seeger, Henry Thompson, Irene Zimmerman
Wake Forest University: Melde Rutledge
Washington State University: Linda Frederiksen, Talea Anderson
West Virginia University: Jonah McAllister-Erickson
Yale University: Judy Marsh