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Data to Insight Center to Host "Data Quality in Era of Big Data" Workshop

Data Quality in an Era of Big Data

Bloomington, Indiana

28-29 September 2016 



Throughout the history of modern scholarship, the exchange of scholarly data was undertaken through personal interactions among scholars or through highly curated data archives. In either case, implicit or explicit provenance mechanisms gave a relatively high degree of insurance of the quality of the data. However, the ubiquity of the web and mobile digital culture has produced disruptive new forms of data. We need to ask ourselves what we know about the data and what we can trust. Failure to answer these questions endangers the integrity of the science produced from these data.

The workshop will examine questions of quality:

  • Citizen science data
  • Health records
  • Integrity
  • Completeness; boundary conditions
  • Instrument quality
  • Data trustworthiness
  • Data provenance
  • Trust in data publishing 

The 2-day workshop begins with a half day of tutorials. The main workshop begins early afternoon on 28 September and continuing to noon on the 29September. With sufficient interest, there may be another training session following noon conclusion of the main workshop on 29 September.


Early Career Travel Funds:

Travel funds are available for early career researchers, scholars, and practitioners. See http://d2i.indiana.edu/mbdh


Important Dates:

  • Workshop: Sep 28-29, 2016
  • Deadline for requesting early career travel funds: Sep 9, 2016 midnight EDT
  • Notification of travel funding: Sep 13, 2016
  • Registration deadline: Sep 19, 2016


Organizing Committee:


General Chair: Beth Plale, Indiana University

Program Committee:

Carl Lagoze, University of Michigan, chair

Devan Donaldson, Indiana University

H.V. Jagadish, University of Michigan

Xiaozhong Liu, Indiana University

Jill Minor, Indiana University

Val Pentchev, Indiana University

Hridesh Rajan, Iowa State University


Early Career Chairs:

Devan Donaldson, Indiana University and

Xiaozhong Liu, Indiana University


Local Arrangements Chair:

Jill Minor, Indiana University

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