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I agree with Toke - SSD's, in particular, Intel's X25-E drives are definitely the way to go. We run 24 off in 2 off Infortrend FC/SATA 12-slot chassis, multi-path connected to 2 HP SAN switches, in turn multi-path connected to 2 off HP DL380G5's running Oracle's cut of Redhat - OEL5, with Oracle RAC cluster and ASM mirroring data across the 2 Infortrend chassis. The rig ABSOLUTELY FLIES - Oracle's ASM "loves" the SSD's because the most important criteria - seek time - is basically eliminated compared to spinning disks. We never see any of the drives reach even 20% of their IO bandwidth capability, even running parallel queries across all 16 cores on the cluster. For your environment, SSD's will wipe the floor both performance, and cost wise, when compared with Texas Mem, and Isilon. Do try them, you will be pleasantly surprised by their effectiveness. We also load them into DL360's and DL380's, replacing what were many spindles for MySQL with just a single mirrored pair on SmartArray controllers. We're finding that we're now limited by CPU cycles (3Ghz 5160 and X5450's) - query performance is now always cpu-bound, never IO. Several benchmarks I've run recently for multi 500K row parallel inserts across 6 innodb tables on 1 MySQL instance are all showing CPU bound performance limits - the SSD just keeps upping it's IO numbers (180+MB/sec writes frequently seen) on 1 (mirrored) spindle. --D.
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