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Journal Publishing in HathiTrust: A Project of the University of Michigan

As of February 2015, the mPach project has been put on hold indefinitely as HathiTrust and the University of Michigan reevaluate needs and opportunities in digital publishing that have emerged since Michigan began the mPach project in 2011.

mPach was conceived as a suite of tools to enable direct publishing of open access journals into HathiTrust’s preservation and access environment. Michigan remains strongly committed to providing robust long-term preservation and access services for digital publications, and HathiTrust remains strongly committed to supporting a variety of formats of textual publications, including born-digital and newly published materials. Michigan and HathiTrust are reconsidering how best to meet these goals, and have determined that the particular suite of tools and workflows envisioned for mPach do not align with current needs and trajectories. HathiTrust will be providing updates as planning for support of born-digital and other types of textual materials moves forward.

To see U-M Library's current efforts in building a publishing platform in a preservation environment, please visit http://fulcrum.org.

You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.