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HTRC Advanced Collaborative Support Program

HTRC’s Advanced Collaborative Support (ACS) Program is a scholarly service offering collaboration between researchers and HTRC staff to solve challenging problems related to computational analysis of the HathiTrust corpus.

Read reports and updates from past and ongoing projects.

ACS awards are delivered in the form of HTRC staff time and compute resources. Each awarded proposal receives access to HTRC staff to collaborate on the proposed project during the award period. The staff consists of specialists in information science, computer science, cultural analytics, and HathiTrust. HTRC ACS support may include such activities as:

  • project scoping
  • navigating HTRC and HathiTrust tools, data, and collections
  • volume identification and workset/dataset creation
  • facilitating data access
  • and selecting, customizing, or running analysis tools.

The ACS program has been running since 2015. Calls for proposals go out approximately once per year.

Current call

2020 SCWAReD project call for proposals

Previous calls

2020 call for proposals

2019 call for proposals

2017 call for proposals

2016 call for proposals

2015 call for proposals

Previous awardees

2019 awarded ACS projects

2017 awarded ACS projects

2016 awarded ACS projects

2015 awarded ACS projects



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