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HathiTrust Research Center Focus Groups at JCDL 2013

The HathiTrust Research Center will conduct hour-long focus groups at the upcoming  JCDL 2013 conference.

If you do research with large-scale, digital text corpora, we invite you to participate.

Our goals are to:

  • Find out how researchers (like you!) collect things together for research purposes; and
  • Brainstorm researcher requirements (like yours!) for collecting HathiTrust items together for computational analysis.

If you will be attending DH or JCDL and you are interested in these topics, please email Harriett Green (green19@illinois.edu) by Monday, July 22, 2013 and indicate your preferred time for participation:

Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Indianapolis, Indiana

  • July 23, 7:30-9:00 am
  • July 24, 7:30-9:00 am

Your participation will give you a chance to meet with others working in your field or related areas. We hope to use the results to help advance the research tools afforded by the HathiTrust Research Center.

You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.