Available Indexes

Shared Print Program Phase 2

Phase 2, which began this spring, has the goal of securing retention commitments for print volumes corresponding to HathiTrust digital monographs that did not receive a retention commitment in Phase 1. We estimate that there are about 2.2 million HathiTrust digital monographs that did not secure commitments (about 20% of all HathiTrust digital monographs).

Phase 2 of the Shared Print Program officially launched in May 2018 and continued through May 2019. At the close of the phase, 1.5 million monographs were retained, which represents more than 750,000 individual titles. For this phase, 55 member libraries, including 27 new libraries, signed the Shared Print Agreement (MOU) which recognizes their continued support of the program by retaining shared print volumes for 25 years (through December 31, 2042).

This phase focused on a more thoughtful collective collection building analysis HathiTrust worked with Sustainable Collection Services (SCS) to analyze print holding records across shared print retention libraries and develop retention commitment lists. In June 2018, the HathiTrust Shared Print Retention Models Working Group was convened to develop the "retention models" (criteria for identifying and prioritizing print holdings to retain) for Phase 2. The Working Group proposed to use the model of retaining up to five of the same edition and work to aim for geographic distribution of proposed retentions based on the U.S. Census regions (see Phase 2 Statistics below for more information).

Learn more about HathiTrust Shared Print Phase 2

Phase 2 Retention Libraries

Phase 2 Planning, Updates, and Reports

Phase 2 Statistics

Phase 2 Retention Libraries

The HathiTrust partner libraries listed below have volunteered to participate in Phase 2 of the Shared Print Program. Many of these libraries also made retention commitments in Phase 1; some are new participants in Phase 2.

As of April 2019, Shared Print Retention Libraries Participating in Phase 2

(* = New Retention Library in Phase 2)

Allegheny College*

Arizona State University

Boston University*

Brigham Young University*

Carleton College*

Colby College

Dartmouth College*

Dickinson College*

Duke University

Emory University

Getty Research Institute

Indiana University

Iowa State University

Johns Hopkins University

Macalester College*

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

McGill University

New York University*

North Carolina State University*

Northwestern University

Ohio State University

Pennsylvania State University*

Southern Methodist University*

Temple University*

Texas State University*

Tufts University

Union College*

University of Alberta

University of Arizona*

University of British Columbia*

University of Calgary

University of California, Merced

University of Delaware

University of Florida

University of Georgia*

University of Houston*

University of Iowa

University of Maryland*

University of Minnesota

University of Notre Dame

University of Oklahoma*

University of Pennsylvania

University of Pittsburgh *

University of Queensland

University of Rochester*

University of Tennessee, Knoxville*

University of Texas, Austin

University of Toronto

University of Virginia

University of Wisconsin-Madison

University of Wyoming*

Wake Forest University*

West Virginia University*

Yale University

Phase 2 Planning, Updates, and Reports



  • Call for participation as Retention Libraries (May 2018)
  • Holdings analysis and retention priorities (fall 2018)

  • Retention proposals and final commitments (December 2018)

  • Retention final commitments due (February 2019)

  • New Retention Libraries submit signed MOU (February 2019)

Phase 2 Statistics 

The majority of proposed retention commitments for Phase 2 are located in the Northeast U.S. Census Region.

Phase 2 Committed to Retain by Title

For Phase 2, the majority of titles have 1 to 2 libraries committing to retain (around 77%) them. This is equivalent to 639,808 titles.

Phase 2 Commitments by LibraryFor Phase 2, few libraries hold the majority of our commitments. 75% of all commitments for Phase 2 were made by 1 to 3 libraries.

52% of our Phase 2 Shared Print commitments are also committed at other shared print programs

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