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Working Groups and Committees

HathiTrust employs a number of committees, working groups, and task forces. Some of these are standing committees and have long-term appointments, while working groups and task forces are typically devoted to finite tasks with a specific timeline. In general, working groups are established either by the Executive Director, or by the Program Steering Committee. View past working groups and committees.

Established by Board of Governors

  • Statement of Values and Code of Conduct Task Force (December 2019) This group will develop a Statement of Values and Code of Conduct based on intentions set forth in Strategic Directions 2019-2023 to guide activities and behaviors in HathiTrust-sponsored activities.

Established by Executive Director

Established by Program Steering Committee


You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.