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Print Holdings Information

Print Holdings data are required at the time of joining HathiTrust or upon request, in the format described below in the Specifications documentation. Files should contain full print holdings information for your institution (we are not able to accept incremental updates at this time).

For ease of processing, please ensure that your files conform to the specification below, and submit them to us as outlined in the document.

For institutions considering membership, we can optionally provide fee estimates using a slightly streamlined version of the data, including only a list of OCLC numbers for all print materials, provided in two plain text files: one for monographs and one for serials. 

Please also see our Print Holdings FAQ page.

Please contact support@hathitrust.org with any questions.  We are here to help.

File Specifications for Submitting Print Holdings Data: January 2023 - WORD39.85 KB
PDF icon Specifications for Submitting Print Holdings Data: January 2023 - PDF 187.72 KB
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