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Strategic Advisory Board Meeting Minutes - January 19, 2012

Members present: John Butler, Tricia Cruse, Todd Grappone, Julia Kochi, Sarah Pritchard, Ed Van Gemert.

Members absent (but submitted comments in advance): Paul Soderdahl, Robert Wolven

1. Main themes that emerged from the 1/19/12 SAB discussion.

These ideas, along with others that emerge from additional discussions, will need to be shaped into language of a charge. Discussion will be continued on the February SAB call.

  • There is a clear need for an independent group to develop strategy, provide advice, and report to the HathiTrust Board of Governors.
  • Formalize a transparent process for inviting, evaluating, ranking and launching development initiatives from HathiTrust partner institutions.
  • Set agenda, develop policy for development.
  • Coordinate and manage the development and implementation of the proposals that emerged from the Constitutional Convention.
  • Provide a significant communications role to and from the membership. The advisory group perhaps includes overlap from the Board.
  • The group’s advisory function is separate from the duties of the Executive Committee and the HathiTrust operational staff.
  • Provides coordination, evaluation and assessment.

2. Board of Governor clarification needed:

  • What is the new role of the Executive Committee?
  • Legal, Financial, Operational decisions that need quick action.
  • What is the relationship between the Board of Governors and an Advisory Group? Have that spelled out in the by-laws.
  • By-laws need to clearly articulate the scope and charge for each of the governance groups.
  • By-laws also need to clearly spell out the process by which new groups are established, who they report to, how charges are developed and how ideas are to be proposed and vetted.
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