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Strategic Advisory Board Meeting Minutes - March 17, 2011

Present:  John Butler, Tricia Cruse, Bruce Miller, Sarah Pritchard, Paul Soderdahl, Ed Van Gemert (recorder), John Wilkin, Bob Wolven,

Absent:  Bernie Hurley

Guests:  Laura Brown, Matt Loy, Ithaka S+R

1. February 18, 2011 SAB minutes approved.

2. Discussion with Ithaka S+R staff—Laura Brown and Matt Loy

Key discussion points:

Shaping the assessment:  Outcomes of the ConCon.

  • Governance:  Does it work?  Will it compel partners for the long-term?  Why?  We need to be certain that the governance structure is effective moving forward.  To be informed by outside research and understanding best practices.  Are there ways to measure the effectiveness of the organization?  HathiTrust is an enterprise organization to which we belong.  Do the governance, administration and operations compel others to join? 
  • Discussions and outcomes of the ConCon:  Expectations of HT should be articulated in advance of the ConCon in October.  Membership should then voice perceptions of those expectations regarding preservation and research services.  What do partners agree on to be the goals of HT?  (Different perspectives include:  dark archive, usable and searchable as text, service bureau)  What anchors us as a partnership?
  • The Ithaka report needs to be reflective (have we met our goals?) as well as prospective.
  • SAB will provide feedback to Ithaka on the creation and development of the user survey.
    • The survey can also serve as an educational tool.  How do we attract scholars to HT?
    • Are they aware of or involved with other large digital repositories?
    • How does HT fit into the library’s suite of resources?  How will it fit?
  • Discussed check-in points and the possibility of a face-to-face meeting with the SAB.

Determining Value:

  • Challenge HT to think bigger!
  • Where are potential partnerships and services?  Non-libraries?

Strategic Communications:

  • What is the focus for the short-term?

3. HT Updates

Developments:  John Wilkin

  • HT is now TRAC certified!  Report will be made available.
  • Library holdings work continues
  • Storage replacement continues
  • Issues of scale for collection builder are being addressed
  • Contract with Serial Solutions is being finalized to make the SOLR indexes available to Summon.  NOT extracting text from the indexes.
  • Research Center MOU in the works.
  • Discussed new member interest

Discovery:  discussion deferred to April call.


  • Duplicates:  working on a draft document for SAB to look at by the time of our April call, with pros, cons, and recommendations.
  • Shared print management:  working on issues related to the draft proposal, and have a call scheduled with the Executive Committee in April.
  • Unsolicited contributions:  quite a few libraries and individuals offer material to HT, to fill gaps or because they think it would be useful.  We’re again drafting considerations and recommendations for how HT should respond.

4. Announcements

  • Congratulations to John Wilkin for receiving the 2011 LITA Technology Award.
  • Appreciation to Bruce Miller for his service to the HT SAB as he moves into retirement.

Next SAB call:  Thursday, April 21, 201, 2 pm Central:

  • Full discussion of next steps for the Discovery Interface Working Group
  • Services for users with print disabilities
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