Available Indexes

15 Million Items in HathiTrust

We’re thrilled to announce that HathiTrust now includes over 15 million volumes!  Volume number 15,000,000, added during Presidents’ Day Weekend’s batch deposits, was digitized from the collections of the University of California, Irvine:  Le parfait courtisan du Comte Baltasar Castillonois, es deux langues, respondans par deux colomnes, l'une à l'autre, pour ceux qui veulent avoir l'intelligence de l'une d'icelles. De la traduction de Gabriel Chapuis Tourangeau.  

 Known in English as The Book of the Courtier, this 1585 printing presents Tourangeau’s French translation in a column parallel to the original Italian.  Castiglione’s book, written as a series of dialogues, offered noblemen an essential guide to proper conduct at the royal court.  It was widely read across the continent after its original publication in 1528. HathiTrust also holds a number of editions in English

Author(s):  Mike Furlough
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