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Welcoming Janet Swatscheno to HathiTrust and HathiTrust Research Center

Janet Swatscheno

June 13, 2022
Janet Swatscheno recently joined HathiTrust in a dual role as Digital Scholarship Librarian and Associate Director for Outreach & Education at the HathiTrust Research Center to establish and maintain digital services, and conduct digital humanities outreach in the form of virtual and in-person training. Janet says, “I am looking forward to helping HathiTrust members discover new and interesting ways of interacting with the library through text and data mining. In particular, I'm excited to work with users who are new to digital humanities tools and methods.”

Before joining HathiTrust, Janet held the position of Digital Publishing Librarian and Co-Director of the Digital Humanities Initiative at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC). She worked with her fellow team and the academic community on campus to advance library publishing services, promote open educational resources, collaborate on digital publishing projects, and implement campus-wide scholarly communication initiatives. 

Heather Christenson, Collections & Access Lead and Program Officer for Federal Documents, says, “Janet brings a wealth of experience in digital humanities and outreach to HathiTrust and the research center. I expect an influx of energy and innovation from Janet to help build the capacity of students and scholars to conduct deep research into the 17.5 million item collection.”  

Join us in welcoming Janet to HathiTrust!

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