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Member Meeting 2021

Thanks to everyone who attended the 2021 Member Meeting! The meeting and the plenary session video recordings are linked below. Please contact Jessica Rohr (jbelle@hathitrust.org) with any specific questions on the 2021 meeting or future events.

Video Recording: 2021 Member Meeting

Recording includes Mike Furlough's Report to Members; Updates from PSC Groups; Keynote from Dr. Kim Gallon (starts at 1:20:12)

Member Meeting Presentation Slides

A Google doc of shared community notes documents the member meeting.

In response to the ongoing COVID-19 global crisis and its impact on the academic library community, HathiTrust will again host the annual member meeting as a virtual event with a condensed agenda. The event will be recorded.

2021 Member Meeting: Community in a Time of Change

The past year has brought the challenges of change and the opportunities, as well as questions of access, sustainability, and equity. Responding to change and instigating ongoing change depends upon engaged individuals and entities. During this year’s meeting, we’ll consider how the idea and practice of “community” defines HathiTrust and its services, contests commonly held beliefs about our community, and how, in a new era of change, HathiTrust members can coalesce around directing outcomes for the betterment of academic libraries, the individuals we serve, and society at large. 

Keynote presentation by Kim Gallon, Associate Professor of History at Purdue University, and recipient of a Mellon-funded grant through HathiTrust Research Center’s Advanced Collaborative Support program, “The National Negro Health Digital Project: Recovering and Restoring a Black Public Health Corpus.” Read her full bio.

Virtual 2021 Member Meeting 

There is no registration fee for attendance. The event will be recorded.

Member Meeting Date and Time: Thursday, October 21, 2021
1:00 PM EDT/10:00 AM PDT - 3:35 PM EDT/ 12:35 PM PDT

Who Should Attend? 

This session is open to any interested party affiliated with a member library. We encourage attendance from the member representative, director, or dean of HathiTrust members or their appointed delegate.

2021 Member Meeting Agenda

1:00 pm ET
Tech Overview
Melissa Stewart, Assistant to the Executive Director, HathiTrust

1:05 pm  ET
Welcome and Introductions (10 min)
Holly Mercer, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Chair, HathiTrust Board of Governors

1:15 pm  ET 
Report to Members (45 min)
Mike Furlough, Executive Director, HathiTrust
Report on previous year progress, announcements, forthcoming work

2:00 pm  ET
Report from Program Steering Committee & Current Working Groups (20 min) 
• Program Steering Committee: Karla Strieb, The Ohio State University, Chair

• Metadata Sharing Policy Task Force: Stephen Hearn, University of Minnesota, Co-Chair

• Digital Collection Strategy Working Group: Wade Wyckoff, McMaster University, Chair

• User Engagement Task Force: Christopher Cox, Clemson University, Chair

• Community Metadata Strategy Task Force: MJ Han, University of Illinois, Chair

2:20 pm  ET Break (10 min)

2:30 pm ET
Keynote Speaker: Kim Gallon, Purdue University (60 min)
• Introduction by Holly Jeffcoat, Dean of Libraries, Southern Methodist University

• Q&A moderated by Jessica Rohr, Member Engagement & Communications Specialist, HathiTrust

3:30 pm ET
Closing Statement (5 min)
Mike Furlough, Executive Director, HathiTrust

3:35 pm ET  Adjourn


Keynote Speaker: Kim Gallon, Purdue University

Kim Gallon, Keynote Speaker

Kim Gallon is an Associate Professor of History at Purdue University. Her work investigates the cultural dimensions, including race and medicine, of the Black Press in the early twentieth century. She is the author of a number of articles and essays as well as the book, Pleasure in the News: African American Readership and Sexuality in the Black Press (University of Illinois Press, 2020). 

Gallon is also the author of the field defining article, “Making a Case for the Black Digital Humanities” and the founder and director of two black digital humanities projects: The Black Press Research Collective and COVID Black 

She also works in instructional and e-learning design to develop curricula for secondary, higher education, and adult learners. Her most recent work in this area includes working with the American Medical Association to develop e-learning modules on the history of race and medicine.

Gallon is the recipient of fellowships and grants from the American Council of Learned Societies, National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Spencer Foundation for her work in the black digital humanities and adult education.


2021 Member Meeting Planning Committee
Jeffry Archer (Baylor University) 
Heather Christenson (HathiTrust)
Graham Dethmers (HathiTrust)
Kristina Hall (HathiTrust)
Mike Furlough (HathiTrust)
Mihoko Hosoi (Pennsylvania State University)
Holly Jeffcoat (Southern Methodist University)
Jessica Rohr (HathiTrust)
Sarah Shreeves (University of Arizona)
Melissa Stewart (HathiTrust)

2021 Member Meeting Code of Conduct

HathiTrust events provide an inclusive environment that welcomes inquiry, constructive criticism and debate, and candor. HathiTrust does not tolerate personal attacks, harassment of any kind, verbal or physical violence, or disruptive behavior. All attendees are expected to be respectful of our community’s diversity and generous of others’ views.  A full Code of Conduct and a complete process for handling reports of violations is in development. Until it is available, please bring concerns to us by emailing conduct-reports@hathitrust.org.

You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.