Available Indexes

2020 HathiTrust Community Week

In the week following the official Member Meeting, join colleagues from around the world for HathiTrust Community Week, four days of member-led sessions addressing various aspects of interdependence in HathiTrust. These sessions are geared towards audiences that may have never attended a member meeting, but that have an interest in or responsibility for HathiTrust at their own institutions. Sessions include member presentations and panel discussions, and cover topics such as shared print, collections, accessibility, outreach, and building community during times of crisis.

HathiTrust Community Week is scheduled Monday, October 26 through Thursday, October 29. All sessions were recorded and are linked below. Some sessions will be selected for repeat showing in November/December after the official program.

Monday, October 26 Sessions
Tuesday, October 27 Sessions
Wednesday October 28 Sessions
Thursday, October 29 Sessions

A Google doc of shared community notes documents the member meeting and each Community Week session.


Monday, October 26 Sessions

11:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT
HathiTrust discovery and access @ Harvard Library (SLIDES)
Presentation recording:
Speaker: Corinna Baksik, Senior Systems Librarian, Harvard University
Theme: Access and Discovery

Audience: General audience, technical staff, public services staff
HathiTrust Staff Facilitator: Graham Dethmers, Metadata Analyst

The Harvard Library offers multiple avenues of discovery for HathiTrust materials. This presentation will focus on how HathiTrust content is presented to our users, with a focus on implementations in Alma and Primo. We will review the HathiTrust API, ETAS access via Alma portfolios, the HathiTrust collection in the Central Discovery Index, and we will demo the new Alma Cloud App for HathiTrust. The first portion of this program will be targeted toward a general audience. The second portion will cover implementation details.

1:00 PM EDT - 2:00 PM EDT
Choose Your Own Adventure:  Tell Us What You Know about HathiTrust (SLIDES)

Speaker: Chris Cox, Dean of Libraries, Clemson University
Theme: Engagement, Marketing, Outreach
Audience: General audience, librarians and staff who work directly with patrons
HathiTrust Staff Facilitator: Jessica Rohr, Member Engagement and Communications Specialist

How much do you and your patrons know about HathiTrust? Join the User Engagement Task Force and HathiTrust colleagues for a lively discussion to assess their familiarity with its collections, services and outreach.  Through polls and focus groups, participants will be encouraged to share their outreach and education activities, their experiences with HathiTrust outreach and education programs, and their institution’s contributions to HathiTrust organization and corpus.

2:30 PM EDT - 3:00 PM EDT
Strengthening Diversity in the HathiTrust Digital Library (SLIDES)
Presentation recording: https://youtu.be/xuUk1lbXcHs
Speaker: Wade Wyckoff, Associate University Librarian, McMaster University Library & Chair of Digital Collections Strategy Working Group
Theme: Collections; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Audience:  Librarians and staff at HT member libraries. We would welcome input from a variety of perspectives. This session will be capped at 30 participants in order to better support a conversational approach. The session will be run twice in order to engage with a broader range of HT members. The second session is on Thursday, Oct. 29.

HathiTrust Staff Facilitator: Heather Weltin, Shared Print Program Officer

Join members of the Digital Collections Strategy Working Group for a short presentation and interactive discussion on potential approaches to strengthening diversity in the HathiTrust digital collection via directed and intentional digitization and collection development efforts. Participants will be encouraged to share goals and strategies from their own institution’s approaches to addressing underrepresentation and inclusivity in their collections and digital collection building.


Tuesday, October 27 Sessions

11:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT
HathiTrust User Support: Collaborating to Answer Your Questions (SLIDES)
Presentation recording:
Speaker: Angelina Zaytsev, User Services Librarian, HathiTrust & Tim Provenzano, Arizona State University
Theme: Access and Discovery; Support; Outreach
Audience: Reference and user support staff. Librarians who are generally curious about how we run HTUS.
HathiTrust Staff Facilitator: Angelina Zaytsev, User Services Librarian

HathiTrust User Support is a cooperative team composed of staff and librarians from your institutions. Learn about the individuals who answer your messages, the kinds of inquiries we receive, our processes for triaging requests, the patrons we support, and our recruitment and team management practices. Members of the User Support team will share stories from their experiences.

1:00 PM EDT - 1:30 PM EDT
ETAS: Temporary Prop or Bridge to the Future? (SLIDES)
Presentation recording:
Speaker: Chris Prom, Associate Dean for Digital Strategies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Theme: Collections, Access and Discovery, Shared Print
Audience: Library administration, faculty, and staff who plan HathiTrust services.
HathiTrust Staff Facilitator: Sandra McIntyre, Director of Services and Operations

ETAS became the core element in a wide-ranging electronic first-access strategy and would not be possible without the shared efforts of the many libraries that participate in and contribute content to HathiTrust. This program session/presentation will draw upon information contributed by a variety of individuals from our Library staff in order to assess the benefits and challenges of our ETAS use and the overall e-first strategy, with reflections on the following specific topics: Representing ETAS items to users; ETAS in our overall fulfillment workflow; ETAS challenges in a consortial environment; User reactions to and assessment of ETAS; Book digitization strategies; Limitations of the ETAS and stressors regarding print access limitations, particularly for intensive research users.

2:30 PM EDT - 3:00 PM EDT
Supersets and Subsets: A snapshot of a local collection during ETAS and beyond
Presentation recording: https://youtu.be/PSJvstdExzQ
 Jeff Kosokoff, Assistant University Librarian for Collection Strategy, Duke University
Theme: Collections
Audience: Collections librarians, subject bibliographers, collections analysts.
HathiTrust Staff Facilitator: Heather Christenson, Program Officer for Collections and Federal Documents

During the summer of ETAS at Duke, we undertook to understand the shape of our HathiTrust overlaps and gaps. What subjects? Which libraries? What time periods? This presentation will also attempt to provide some normalized context for the representation of Duke's collection in HathiTrust, and discuss ways this understanding can inform local digitization to connect our users and users elsewhere with the richness of the collective collection.


Wednesday, October 28 Sessions

11:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT
Wrangling User Data to Understand ETAS (and HathiTrust) Success (SLIDES)
Presentation recording:
Speaker: Renata Ewing, Service Manager, HathiTrust & Digital Content, California Digital Library; Chan Li Assessment Program Librarian, University of California, Berkeley and Kathryn Stine, Senior Product Manager, Digitization & Digital Content, California Digital Library
Theme: Collections, Access and Discovery
Audience: HathiTrust members who are (or are interested in) using HathiTrust log data and other user data sources to understand and evaluate the success of ETAS (and overall HathiTrust use) by their institution. 
HathiTrust Staff Facilitator: Jessica Rohr, Member Engagement and Communications Specialist

With the advent of ETAS, HathiTrust now provides new web-log derived usage data along with guidance for interpretation. This session will be an opportunity to discuss what HathiTrust members are and could be doing with this and any other related data.  What trends are you seeing?  Are the usage reports available via HathiTrust’s Google Analytics helping your analysis?  How can we evaluate the success of ETAS at our institutions? How can we contextualize HathiTrust usage data beyond ETAS to more generally understand HathiTrust’s role in supporting users’ research, teaching, and learning goals? What other data can be used to gage the success of ETAS specifically and HathiTrust overall?

Librarians from the University of California have been assessing log data and Google Analytics to explore the above questions. Join us for a facilitated discussion about how HathiTrust members are using HathiTrust Log Data, Google Analytics, and other data sources to determine the success of ETAS (and HathiTrust generally) at their institution.

1:30 PM EDT - 2:00 PM EDT
Locating Common Forms of Historical Primary Sources in the HTDL (SLIDES)
Presentation recording: https://youtu.be/Wj8kqrRTuhU
Speaker: Eamon Duffy, Liaison Librarian (History and Classics), McGill University
Theme: Collections, Access and Discovery, Teaching and Learning
Audience: Reference or Liaison Librarians
HathiTrust Staff Facilitator: Kristina Eden Hall, Copyright Review Program Manager

By combining library metadata with full-text keyword searching of millions of items, the HathiTrust Digital Library is a powerful tool for locating historical primary sources often used by undergraduate students. My proposed program would be a demonstration of how to use the HTDL to locate common types of primary sources through a combination of full-text keywords and LCSH free-floating subdivisions. This method can uncovers "hidden" relevant sources and reduces information overload.  NOTE: the presentation will be similar to the speaker's 2014 article (https://doi.org/10.21083/partnership.v8i1.2503). 

2:30 PM EDT - 3:30 PM EDT
Interdependence in Action: The "Advanced Collaborative Support" Program from the HathiTrust Research Center (SLIDES)
Presentation recording: https://youtu.be/wJlNafGjlAM
Ryan Dubnicek (HathiTrust Research Center): Introduction to the HTRC Advanced Collaborative Support Program
Aduramo Lasode (University of Minnesota): “Surveying the HathiTrust Collections for Applicability of Energy Recovery Technology for Waste Treatment” 
Stephen Krewson (Yale University): “Deriving Basic Illustration Metadata” 
Matthew J. Yoder and Dmitry Mozzherin (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): “Mapping scientific names to the HathiTrust Digital Library” 
Laure Thompson (University of Massachusetts at Amherst): “Building Large-Scale Collections of Genre Fiction” 
Glen Worthey (HathiTrust Research Center): Q&A Moderator

Theme: HathiTrust Research Center
Audience: Researchers, Librarians, Staff  
HathiTrust Staff Facilitator: Aaron Elkiss, Enterprise Architect

This program will feature a selection of past and current recipients of the HathiTrust Research Center's "Advanced Collaborative Support" grants, who will share the methods and results of their research, which rely heavily on the HathiTrust collections and services.

7:00 PM EDT - 8:00 PM EDT

HotTea Social Hour
Open to all Community Week Attendees. 
Bring your tales of 2020 successes and predictions for the future to this informal gathering with HathiTrust staff and members. We’ll use breakout rooms for smaller group conversation, and we welcome the introverts and teetotalers, as well as the gregarious and imbibers.


Thursday, October 29 Sessions

11:30 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT
From a stroll to a sprint: Expediting submission and ingest to HathiTrust Digital Library for locally digitized materials (SLIDES)
Presentation recording:

Salwa Ismail, Associate University Librarian for Digital Initiatives and Information Technology, University of California Berkeley
Lynne Grigsby, Head, Library IT, University of California Berkeley
Paul Fogel, Manager & Technical Lead, Mass Digitization and Co-Technical Lead for HathiTrust project, California Digital Library
Kathryn Stine, Senior Product Manager, Digitization & Digital Content, California Digital Library

Theme: Collections, Access and Discovery, Teaching and Learning, Digital Initiatives
Audience: Librarians and staff at HT member libraries. We would welcome input from a variety of perspectives. This session will be capped at 30 participants in order to better support a conversational approach.
HathiTrust Staff Facilitator: Natalie Fulkerson, Collection Services Librarian

In light of the pandemic and work from home mandates that most libraries were working from, UC Berkeley Library focused on pivoting to digitizing their Fall print course reserve books and submitting them to HathiTrust, so these items could be available through HT ETAS. This would help ensure affordability of books to students who might otherwise be unable to buy the e- or print versions of these items and would increase access in HT to books that are used mostly for teaching purposes. We collaborated with CDL to revisit and adjust familiar workflow steps to result in faster submission-to-delivery turnaround, and with HathiTrust to understand their processes so we could optimize workflows to sync with theirs. This session will discuss our detailed analysis and process development from selection to ingest and delivery.

1:30 PM EDT - 2:00 PM EDT
Strengthening Diversity in the HathiTrust Digital Library (SLIDES)
Presentation recording: 
Speaker: Wade Wyckoff, Associate University Librarian, McMaster University Library & Chair of Digital Collections Strategy Working Group
Theme: Collections, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Audience: Librarians and staff at HT member libraries. We would welcome input from a variety of perspectives. This session will be capped at 30 participants in order to better support a conversational approach. The session will be run twice in order to engage with a broader range of HT members. Please register for only one session.
HathiTrust Staff Facilitator: Heather Weltin, Shared Print Program Officer

Join members of the Digital Collections Strategy Working Group for a short presentation and interactive discussion on potential approaches to strengthening diversity in the HathiTrust digital collection via directed and intentional digitization and collection development efforts. Participants will be encouraged to share goals and strategies from their own institution’s approaches to addressing underrepresentation and inclusivity in their collections and digital collection building. 

3:00 PM EDT - 4:00 PM EDT
HathiTrust & Interdependence: What Have We Learned This Week?
Presentation recording: https://youtu.be/PthhM_DvuZg
Speaker: Mike Furlough, Executive Director, HathiTrust and Evviva Weinraub Lajoie, Vice Provost for University Libraries at University at Buffalo, member of  member of Statement of Values & Code of Conduct Working Group and HathiTrust Program Steering Committee
Theme: Collections, Access and Discovery, Shared Print, U.S. Fed Docs, HathiTrust Research Center, Accessibility, Teaching and Learning
Audience: All HathiTrust Member Meeting & Community Week Attendees
HathiTrust Staff Facilitator: Natalie Fulkerson, Collection Services Librarian

Join us for reflection and conversation on themes and issues raised throughout HathiTrust’s Member Meeting and Community Week. We will share thoughts on what was shared and where HathiTrust plans to go next.









You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.