Available Indexes

February 2017 Update

Top News

15 Million Items in HathiTrust!


We're thrilled to announce that HathiTrust now includes over 15 million volumes. Volume number 15,000,000, added during Presidents' Day Weekend's batch deposits, was digitized from the collections of the University of California, Irvine: Le parfait courtisan du Compte Baltasar Castillonois, es deux langues, respondans par deux colomnes, l'une à l'autre, pour ceux qui veulent avoir l'intelligence de l'une d'icelles. De la traduction de Gabriel Chapuis Tourangeau.

Known in English as The Book of the Courtier, this 1585 printing presents Tourangeau's French translation in a column parallel to the original Italian. Castiglione's book, written as a series of dialogues, offered noblemen an essential guide to proper conduct at the royal court. It was widely read across the continent after its original publication in 1528. HathiTrust also holds a number of editions in English.


New Members Join HathiTrust

We are very happy to announce the newest members of HathiTrust:

  • Macalester College

  • Union College

  • Virginia Commonwealth University

With the addition of these new members, HathiTrust is now a community of 126 institutions.  


Save the Date: 2017 HathiTrust Member Meeting

The 2017 HathiTrust Member Meeting will be held on November 2, 2017 in Chicago. The focus for this year's meeting will be strategic planning.  We will share more details as planning takes place.



 Current Activities

14 Million Books & 6 Million Visitors: HathiTrust Growth and Usage in 2016

In this new report, HathiTrust Collection Services Librarian Angelina Zaytsev explains how the collection has grown in 2016 and breaks down usage of the HathiTrust collection. Over one million volumes were added to the collection last year, including several new, unique collections, contributed by 39 member libraries. To learn what usage is like for a digital library of 14.8 million volumes and who are our users, read Zaytsev's blog postand corresponding report.

             Characterizing the HathiTrust collection by rights and access.



New Tool Simplifies Deposit to HathiTrust

HathiTrust is happy to announce the initial release of a tool to help members speed up the deposit of their locally-digitized collections into HathiTrust. The HathiTrust Submission Information Package (SIP) Validator allows depositors to check their locally-digitized content against the HathiTrust deposit requirements, prior to submission to HathiTrust, helping to minimize the time it takes to get material into HathiTrust.

The SIP Validator runs from the command line and may require some technical expertise. This initial release validates the package structure and metadata; validation of image technical characteristics will be included in a later release. Please contact us at feedback@issues.hathitrust.org with any questions or feedback.



Shared Print Program Update

Implementation of the Shared Print Program reached an important milestone in early February: we launched the process to identify proposed print retentions. For each of the 50+ libraries participating as Retention Partners in Phase 1, HathiTrust staff analyzed the Partners' holdings data and produced a report of the library's monographs that match HathiTrust digital volumes. Participating libraries will consider local priorities and criteria, and by the end of April they will identify the monographs they propose to retain. In parallel, Program Officer Lizanne Payne is working with the Shared Print Advisory Council to complete work on the policies, business model, and memorandum of understanding (MOU). We plan to finalize an MOU and confirm commitments by the summer.


Workshop Brings Together Staff from All Sites

Thirty-eight HathiTrust staff members met February 2-3 in Chicago for the first-ever HathiTrust all-sites staff workshop. The attendees included managers, librarians, developers, systems administrators, and graduate students who work at one of HathiTrust's distributed sites, including the sites at the University of Michigan, University of California, Indiana University, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Read the full article here.

HathiTrust staff from four sites collaborate at the all-sites staff workshop, Chicago, February 2-3, 2017



Copyright Review Program Update

Two copyright review projects are now underway. US State Government Documents is staffed with six volunteer reviewers at a combined total of 0.6 FTE. They are working on a candidate pool of 56,000 state documents and have made 920 copyright determinations already this year. Program manager Kristina Eden has begun training for the new volunteers on US Monographs 1923-1963 and we are eagerly anticipating the first public domain determinations by the end of this month. Twenty-six volunteer reviewers are working on this project for a combined total of 4.7 FTE. The candidate pool for this project started the year at 81,000 volumes and with new ingest in HathiTrust it has now increased to 84,700 volumes.


New Non-Consumptive Research Use Policy

The HathiTrust Research Center has released its new Non-Consumptive Research Use Policy. For scholars, the policy outlines the allowable types of access, data use and data exports for researchers conducting computational research on the HathiTrust collection, especially as they work within the Data Capsule Service. Delineating this policy supports the Research Center's mission to support secure computational analysis of the more than 15 million volumes in HathiTrust. It augments the existing HathiTrust access and use policy. The release concludes a substantial effort by members of a special task force convened to study the issue and was drafted with input from the HTRC Advisory Board and the Program Steering Committee. The task force members included:

  • Eleanor Dickson, University of Illinois (Chair)

  • Brandon Butler, University of Virginia

  • Aaron Elkiss, University of Michigan

  • Bobby Glushko, University of Western Ontario

  • Robert McDonald, Indiana University

  • Sandra McIntyre, HathiTrust

  • Leanne Nay, Indiana University

  • Naz Pantaloni, Indiana University


HathiTrust in the Community

"Text Mining with the HathiTrust" Workshop Registration Open

Registration is now open for the workshop "Text Mining with the HathiTrust: Empowering Librarians to Support Digital Scholarship Research" to be held at Johns Hopkins University on March 21 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. EDT. The workshop is part of the IMLS-funded Digging Deeper, Reaching Further project that aims to develop skills for digital scholarship in academic libraries, focusing particularly on text analysis and incorporating HathiTrust Research Center tools and services in the hands-on activities. The workshop will provide a framework for how the library can support text data mining, as well as transferable skills useful for many other areas of digital scholarly inquiry. Register online here: www.htrc-ddrf-jhu.eventbrite.com. Contact htrc_workshop@library.illinois.edu if you have questions. This workshop event is funded by IMLS award #RE-00-15-0112-15.


Webcast Recording: "HathiTrust: An Overview for New Partners"

HathiTrust staff hosted a webcast for new members on February 15, providing information about how to get the most of membership in HathiTrust. We will be holding a repeat version of this webcast on Thursday, February 23.


HathiTrust on the Road

HathiTrust staff will be attending the following events over the next few months.  Please contact us if you wish to meet us at any of these events:

  • Research Libraries UK Conference, London, England, March 8-10, 2017 - Mike Furlough, Lizanne Payne

  • CNI Spring Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, April 3-4, 2017 - Sandra McIntyre

  • DPLAFest 2017, Chicago, IL, April 20-21, 2017 - Kristina Eden, Mike Furlough, Angelina Zaytsev

You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.