Available Indexes

Update on May 2014 Activities

June 13, 2014 Syndicate content

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Late Breaking News

Ruling in Authors Guild Lawsuit Appeal

HathiTrust released a statement on the decision of the U.S. Second Circuit Court in the lawsuit brought by the Authors Guild et al. against HathiTrust. The decision is a strong affirmation of the work HathiTrust has undertaken to enhance access to and preserve the collections of its member libraries.

Top News

HTRC Page Features Dataset

The HathiTrust Research Center released a new dataset, consisting of page-level features extracted from a quarter of a million books. The dataset is an alpha release, demonstrating the features the HTRC intends to make available across all public domain volumes in HathiTrust and eventually the entire HathiTrust corpus.

Government Documents Registry Applications Developer

HathiTrust is seeking an applications developer to design, implement, and populate a Registry of metadata describing and identifying the comprehensives corpus of U.S. federal government documents. See the full description and apply on the University of Michigan Jobs site.

HathiTrust Board Update

The HathiTrust Board of Governors met on May 9, 2014 in Columbus, OH for one of two in-person meetings held each year (two additional meetings are held by phone each year). The Board heard updates on activities from incoming Executive Director Mike Furlough; a report on the work of the Program Steering Committee by Bob Wolven; and a budget report from Treasurer and chair-elect Rick Clement. Assistant Director Jeremy York gave a presentation entitled “HathiTrust, Copyright Policies and Issues”, covering topics such as access to public domain works in the US and outside the US; lawful uses of in-copyrights works; the Copyright Review Management System (CRMS); and user inquiries.

The Board took the following actions:

  • Approved allocation of nearly $1,000,000 over four years to support the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC), based on a proposal from the HTRC executive leadership team, and pending the finalization of schedules for service development and reporting.
  • Approved allocation of an additional $115,000 to extend staffing in support of development of the Government Documents Registry.
  • Approved the process to appoint a replacement to the Program Steering Committee to replace Mike Furlough.
  • Approved the first annual HathiTrust Membership Meeting to be held in Washington, DC on October 10. Details about this meeting will be forthcoming in the next several weeks.

Brad Wheeler announced that Brenda Johnson, Ruth Lilly Dean of University Libraries at Indiana University, would be taking his position for Indiana University on the Board of Governors. The Board will next meet by conference call on July 29.  The next in-person meeting is scheduled for October 9.



HathiTrust staff corresponded with staff from the University of Washington, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Getty Research Institute, Boston College, Emory University, the University of California, and the University of Michigan regarding ingest of locally digitized content. HathiTrust ingested additional locally-digitized content from the University of Illinois. HathiTrust also ingested 19 volumes from Knowledge Unlatched.

HathiTrust staff answered questions from the Getty Research Institute, Emory University, and McGill University about ingest of content digitized by the Internet Archive. HathiTrust ingested more than 300 volumes (262 titles) from the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Library.

Working Groups and Committees

Program Steering Committee

Two new members were appointed to the Program Steering Committee to serve 2-year terms, beginning in June.  The new members are Robert McDonald, Associate Dean, Library Technologies, Indiana University, and Chris Freeland, Associate University Librarian, Washington University in St. Louis.

Under the aegis of the Program Steering Committee, the Print Monographs Archive Task Force has begun work, with Tom Teper (University of Illinois) serving as chair.  The other members are Clem Guthro (Colby), Robert Kieft (Occidental), Erik Mitchell (Berkeley), Jake Nadal (ReCAP), Matthew Sheehey (Harvard) Emily Stambaugh (University of California), and Karla Strieb (Ohio State).  The PSC has also been reviewing HathiTrust’s use of automated quality metrics provided by Google to reduce the number of poorer quality volumes that are ingested, and will shortly appoint a task force to assess this issue and make recommendations.


Copyright Review

A summary of the determinations from HathiTrust copyright review activities in May is given below. See CRMS-US and CRMS-World for further information.




Public Domain Determinations

All Determinations

Public Domain Determinations

All Determinations


215 315 165,340 314,270


3,996 7,268 59,652 117,369


4,211 7,583 224,992 431,639

Government Documents Registry

Project staff have been developing normalization rules, focusing on normalization of enumeration and chronology, in order to aid duplicate detection efforts. Staff continue to refine methods for potential identification of related metadata records, as well as methods for the identification of gaps in metadata.

Development Updates

HathiTrust institutions performed the following work related to applications and Web interfaces:

Authentication and Authorization

Staff completed development of an application begun in April to simplify and enhance the administration of users requiring access to restricted items. Final testing and production deployment will occur in June.

Full-text Search

Staff conducted thorough testing to identify the probable source of performance and stability problems encountered with new high-performance storage purchased for full-text search. Staff are in close communication with the supplier and an update to address the problems is expected to be available in June for testing.

Staff conducted performance tests on the page-level and 3,000-word chunk indexes described in the Update on April 2014 Activities. Tests using page-level indexing indicated that query performance, faceting performance and grouping performance would be unacceptably slow given current hardware. Preliminary results using 3,000-word chunks showed that memory for faceting search results would need to be between 1.2 and 1.5 times greater than the memory currently in use in order for faceting to be functional. Even at that level, query response times were slower than desired. Tests using both indexes will be repeated when new high-performance storage is in place.

Staff obtained the INEX Book Track 2007-2010 test collections, which include MARC metadata and the full text of between 40,000 and 50,000 books, and are investigating the use of the collections to help inform choices about relevance ranking of full-text search results. Staff conducted tests using the default Solr/Lucene ranking algorithm as well as three new algorithms available in Solr/Lucene 4.0 (BM25, Language Model with Dirichlet smoothing, and DFR ). Testing will continue in June.

Tom Burton-West authored the first of a series of blog posts about “Practical Relevance Ranking for 11 Million Books.”

Google Analytics

Staff updated Google Analytics to be able to track the usage of HathiTust Collections in addition to individual items.


Michigan developers began a full review of the accessibility of the PageTurner application. This work is expected to have implications for the display of XML content, including mPach JATS articles. Staff continued to work on an XSLT implementation of Norm for DocX to JATS conversion. More information about the mPach project can be found at http://www.lib.umich.edu/mpach and http://www.hathitrust.org/mpach.


Staff fixed bugs and made improvements to the “search in this text” widget for navigating from one page of results to another. The modifications will be released into production in June.

Server replacement cycle

Staff ordered new full-text search servers to replace servers scheduled for retirement, but delivery was delayed by the supplier. Installation is still expected to begin in June, but will likely not be complete until July.



Cumulative 12-month availability of repository access: 99.867%*

HathiTrust’s mobile site was incorrectly directing users to the full site from Tuesday, May 6 at 1:30pm to Thursday, May 8 at 5:45pm.

HathiTrust was unavailable on Thursday, May 8 for 6 brief periods between 1:44pm and 1:55pm approximately 40 seconds in length due to a software stability problem that occurred at one instance while the other site was down for routine maintenance.

* Repository access refers to page viewing and full-text search functionality, i.e., user-facing applications. It does not refer to preservation or storage infrastructure, which is under continual operation.

New Growth

As of June 1:

  May Overall
Boston College 86 3,197
Columbia University 0 65,037
Cornell University 4,787 453,905
Duke University 516 7,774
Harvard University 0 237,435
Indiana University 15 195,666
Keio University 0 88,956
Knowledge Unlatched 19 19
Library of Congress 953 108,882
New York Public Library 129 291,790
North Carolina State University 0 3,196
Northwestern University 1 37,644
Ohio State University 2,744 23,852
Penn State University 2,008 81,207
Princeton University 3 251,713
Purdue University 0 44,698
Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute 326 326
Texas A&M University 0 1,201
Universidad Complutense 3 112,151
University of California 5,876 3,500,120
The University of Chicago 2 39,171
University of Delaware 0 19
University of Florida 101 9,866
University of Illinois 608 136,299
University of Massachusetts, Amherst 1,704 11,115
University of Michigan 1,569 4,672,249
University of Minnesota 15 119,877
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 0 17,025
University of Virginia 4 50,825
University of Wisconsin 128 556,101
Utah State 0 117
Yale University 0 23,678
Total 21,597 11,145,111

Public Domain (~33%)

Total*                                                                17,130 3,756,406

* Includes volumes opened through copyright review and rights holder permissions

Summary of Issues Received by User Support

Issue Type May 2014 April 2014
Content 131 154


124 143


7 11
Cataloging 285 187
Access and Use 142 142


88 101


6 10


0 1

Print on Demand

0 1

Inter-library loan

0 1

Full-PDF or e-copy requests

17 14


3 3

Data Availability and APIs

3 2

Reuse of content

4 4
Web applications 18 20

Functionality problems

8 10

Problems with login specifically

1 3

General Questions about Login

0 1

Partners setting up login

0 0

Usability issues

0 0

Feature requests

1 1
Partner Ingest 7 11
General 93 110


7 18


0 0


86 92
Total 676 624

Most Accessed Volumes

Consumption of the Lungs and Kindred Diseases, Treated and Cured by Kerosene, by Charles Oscar Frye.
Journal of the...annual convention of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Connecticut, 1867-71
The Human Figure, by John H. Vanderpoel
Quintus Curtius [History of Alexander], Vol. 2, with an English translation by John C. Rolfe.
Memoir of Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge
West Side story, a novelization, by Irving Shulman.
History of wages in the United States from Colonial times to 1928, United States Department of Labor.
Coffee processing technology, v. 1, by Michael Sivetz and H. Elliott Foote
The fool; his social and literary history, by Enid Welsford
Roster of the Confederate soldiers of Georgia, 1861-1865, v.1.

June Forecast

  • Final testing and production deployment of the automated user access renewal and deletion application.
  • Integrate the new Image Server capabilities for continuous text (e.g., JATS encoded articles without page breaks) into PageTurner.
  • Correct a bug in the large scale search results navigation that makes it difficult to return to the first page of results if the user advances far enough into later result pages.

Papers & Presentations

Partner Presentations

  • Kirsten Clark (University of Minnesota), Amy Springer (University of Minnesota), Catherine Morse (University of Michigan), “HathiTrust 101”, 2014 Depository Library Council Meeting and Federal Depository Library Conference, May 1, 2014.
You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.