Available Indexes

November 2019 Update

Table of Contents

New Members
2020 HathiTrust Budget Approved
October 2020 Board of Governors Update
Graham Dethmers Joins HathiTrust as Metadata Analyst
2019 Member Meeting Materials Now Online
NEW Member Toolkit: Promote HathiTrust at Your Library
Call for Interest in Serving on PSC Groups
Introducing the New Responsive Website
Print Holdings Update
HTRC Workshop Series: Spring 2020
From the Collection: 1974 Impeachment Procedure
Copyright Review Program
Featured Copyright Reviewer: Susan Chesley Perry
Your Perspective: HathiTrust’s Shared Print Program
User Support Holiday Hours
HathiTrust on the Road


New Members

We are pleased to announce that the Australian National University and University of South Carolina have joined the HathiTrust member community. See our full membership list on our website.

2020 HathiTrust Budget Approved

The HathiTrust membership has approved the 2020 HathiTrust Budget. The coming year’s budget will fund core operations, programs, and new progress on our strategic initiatives. Our total recurring costs, funded by returning member fees, will be $3,832,430, an increase of 6.83% over 2019. HathiTrust’s continued membership growth (13 total members) in 2019 has helped to fund growth in our budget and offset anticipated cost increases. 

The average HathiTrust member’s fee will drop by approximately 4.5% in 2020, compared with 2019. 2020 member fees will be based on adjustments to our cost allocation model approved by the membership in March 2019. These include the use of tiers when assessing public domain fees and adjustments to how we assess fees for campuses within a university system.  Invoices for all members will be sent in January.

October 2020 Board of Governors Update

The HathiTrust Board of Governors met in Rosemont, IL, on October 22.  During the meeting the Board heard reports on several topics, including HathiTrust’s continuing work with the National Federation of the Blind; projections for future growth of the HathiTrust collection; and long-range budget forecasts. 

The Board approved plans to develop a Statement of Values and Code of Conduct to govern HathiTrust activities and events. HathiTrust’s Executive Committee will finalize a charge and solicit volunteers to serve on a task force to write these documents later in November, and we expect this group to begin work early in 2020.  

The Board acknowledged Wendy Lougee (University of Minnesota, HathiTrust member since 2008) and Kevin Smith (University of Kansas, HathiTrust member since 2012) for their service on the Board of Governors, which will end in December.   Finally, the Board elected Yolanda Cooper (Emory University, HathiTrust member since 2010) to join the Executive Committee as incoming chair in 2020, chair in 2021, and past chair in 2022.   

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Graham Dethmers, Metadata Analyst

Graham Dethmers Joins HathiTrust as Metadata Analyst

Graham Dethmers will join HathiTrust as Metadata Analyst with rank through the University of Michigan Library as Associate Librarian beginning November 18. “We look forward to Graham joining us in this new role to focus on metadata and discovery strategies,” says Sandra McIntyre, director of services and operations. “He will improve our services to member libraries in this critical area.” 

Most recently, Graham served as a Senior Metadata Librarian at the ExLibris division of ProQuest, acquiring and transforming metadata for ingestion into the Summon index and troubleshooting complex issues with client libraries. He will support discovery and delivery of HathiTrust metadata, and analysis of the digital collection for collection development purposes. 

Graham says he looks forward to “providing a key analytical role in improving the metadata for HathiTrust Digital Library and aiding in the further development of discovery strategy.” 

Join us in welcoming Graham and read the full announcement online.


2019 Member Meeting

2019 Member Meeting Materials Now Online

Thanks to everyone who attended the 2019 Member Meeting. More than 100 individuals representing 95 member institutions gathered near Chicago for the 2019 Member Meeting: Driving and Supporting Change in the Research Ecosystem. We will continue to share more information and outcomes in the near future, and in the meantime, the meeting slides are available on the HathiTrust website and linked below.

2019 Member Meeting Main Slides

Save the date! Next year’s meeting will be on Wednesday, October 21, at the Marriott Chicago O’Hare

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NEW Member Toolkit: Promote HathiTrust at Your Library 

Introductory materials in the HathiTrust Member Toolkit are now available for download on the HathiTrust website. More items will be added in coming months. Promote HathiTrust resources by integrating these items into your reference resources and online or in-person training sessions. All materials are CC0-licensed.

The toolkit includes videos, as well as getting started guides for students and researchers.

The chart below comparing digital library access by item and by member affiliation is one of several items provided in the introductory version of the member toolkit. 

Member and Non-Member Access to HathITrust


Call for Interest in Serving on PSC Groups

Nominations close November 15, 2019, for appointments to four new Program Steering Committee (PSC) groups that will support specific objectives set forth in HathiTrust’s Strategic Directions 2019-2023. Links to each group’s charge or focus of work:

Digital Collection Strategy Working Group

User Engagement Task Force

Metadata Sharing Policy Task Force

Community Metadata Strategy Task Force

Each group seeks five to seven appointees. Self-nominations are welcome and nominations may also be submitted by Library Directors, as well as HathiTrust Member Representatives or Primary Contacts. Individuals may nominate for multiple groups but will be appointed to no more than one.

Nominations should include the name, title, and institution of the nominee, and a short description of their qualifications and interests for the appointment. Please complete the nomination form at https://umich.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9Kz7dPbEDOggaMd.  

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Introducing the New Responsive Website  

As of October 28, 2019, you can access the full set of features and services available through the HathiTrust Digital Library on your mobile phone, tablet, or other mobile device. This update made our website responsive to varying screen resolutions, and when you go to www.hathitrust.org, the website detects the size of your browser and readjusts content to fit it. 

Read more about the website update

Print Holdings Update

As reported in our May 2019 newsletter, HathiTrust suspended the annual print holdings update process this year in order to focus on system and workflow improvements.  To date we have:

  • Worked with internal stakeholders to gather requirements and identify information needs

  • Begun planning the back-end framework for a new data management system that better integrates holdings records with other data stores including shared print and collections 

  • Begun work to better document current process flows and data specifications

In 2020, we expect to:

  • Work with member stakeholders to understand needs and plan for any process changes

  • Begin developing the infrastructure to support the new system

  • Design and develop a front-end interface that provides members with real-time access to overlap reports and other data

We will provide a further update in the new year, including a timeline for resuming the update process.  Meanwhile, if your library would like to submit revised holdings this year, for any reason, you may certainly do so.  Please email feedback@issues.hathitrust.org to initiate this process or to ask any questions.

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HTRC Workshop Series: Spring 2020 

HTRC fall workshops are in full swing, and we are grateful to this semester’s hosts for making sure the events have gone smoothly! 

Want to be considered to host in spring 2020? The application form is now open through December 11. 

You can learn more about the program and how to request a workshop on this page: https://www.hathitrust.org/htrc_workshops

From the Collection: 1974 Impeachment Procedure

U.S. Capitol

Photo by Louis Velazquez on Unsplash

Title: Impeachment: selected materials on procedure

Author: U.S. Government Printing Office

Published: Washington, D.C., 1974

Contributed to HathiTrust by The Ohio State University (HathiTrust member since 2008)

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Copyright Review Program

October’s overall Copyright Review Program statistics:

CRMS-US Reviews: 

Public Domain = 8,017 (76.2%)

All = 10,526


Public Domain Determinations =  475,198 (56.7%)

All Determinations = 838,049


Featured Copyright Reviewer: Susan Chesley Perry

Susan Chesley Perry

Susan Chesley Perry, Head of Digital Initiatives, University of California Santa Cruz (HathiTrust member since 2008)

Years working in a library: 24

HathiTrust start date: October 2017

Review statistics: 1,539 total reviews; 977 public domain 

“I was part of the UC Santa Cruz team that prepared shipments for our local campus Google book scanning project back in 2011, and I initially got involved with the copyright review project in hopes of opening up some of our titles (and others) to a wider research community.  I've learned so much about the intricacies of copyright and found it really rewarding to immerse myself in the breadth and depth of the HathiTrust collection. It's been a great experience.” 

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Your Perspective: HathiTrust’s Shared Print Program

Contributed by Joseph Hafner, McGill University (HathiTrust member since 2011)

At McGill University Library, we have been an active partner of HathiTrust for several years and we have been planning an offsite storage for our low use materials, and this initiative made sense and fit into our strategic plans to participate in collaborative shared print projects.

This was our first time in a shared print project, and the staff at HathiTrust made it easy to be a part of Phase 1 of the Shared Print Program, which is amazing considering the size and scope of the project. We immediately agreed to participate in Phase 2, because we were so pleased with how it went the first time. The next stage to add the commitments in our records in WorldCat as an OCLC WMS library is moving forward. OCLC is adding our notes into the records for us, which will show these commitments to our own community at McGill and to the world.

Collaboration on these types of projects is so important as we think about the collective collection and stewardship of our collections for the future.

User Support Holiday Hours

HathiTrust User Support will be out of the office during the following United States holidays in the next few months. We’ll still receive your messages at feedback@issues.hathitrust.org, but there may be some delay in our response. 

  • United States Thanksgiving weekend from November 28 through December 1, 2019

  • Winter break from December 21, 2019 through January 1, 2020

HathiTrust Staff on the Road

HathiTrust staff will be attending the following events. Please contact us if you wish to meet us at any of these events!

  • Ithaka Next Wave, New York, NY, December 4, 2019 — Sandra McIntyre

  • CNI Fall Forum, Washington, D.C., December 9-10, 2019 — Mike Furlough

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News or Research to Share?

If you or a patron at your institution has news to share regarding a publication, presentation, grant, or research underway related to HathiTrust, we’d love to hear about it. Please share with Jessica Rohr, member engagement and communications specialist, at jbelle@hathitrust.org.

You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.