Available Indexes

Update on April 2013 Activities

May 10, 2013 Syndicate content

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Top News

Print Disabilities Access

HathiTrust released a new service that allows designated proxies at partner institutions to provide access to in-copyright works in HathiTrust to users at their institutions who are certified as having a print disability. See http://www.hathitrust.org/accessibility for more information.

Website Redesign

The HathiTrust website, including all web applications, was updated with a unified design and feature set, improving the overall look and functionality of the site. Details are available at http://www.hathitrust.org/hathitrust_new_look.

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors held an in-person meeting in Chapel Hill, North Carolina on April 28. The Board had a very full agenda, including a review of the Constitutional Convention ballot initiatives and work related to the Program Steering Committee (including the appointment of members).


Local Digitization

The survey released last month to institutions that are depositing locally-digitized content will close May 15. The purpose of the survey is to gauge the readiness of institutions to deposit locally-digitized content, and help set a timeline for the development of a next installment of tools to assist in validating and packaging content prior to deposit. HathiTrust continued to provide support for the existing ingest tools and ingest procedures.

Working Groups and Committees

User Experience Advisory Group

The User Experience group continued to review elements of HathiTrust Web applications identified through user feedback and other means as being in need of improvement. The group also helped troubleshoot and make decisions in support of the new interface redesign.

User Support Working Group

A summary of issues received by the User Support Working Group is given in the table at the end of the update.


Bibliographic Data Management

Staff from the California Digital Library (CDL) and the University of Michigan agreed on revised requirements and workflow changes to accommodate bibliographic rights determinations being made at the University of Michigan rather than in Zephir (the new system). CDL staff began development reflecting the revised requirements. Staff also updated the project timeline. A parallel phase, to be completed prior to moving to Zephir, is now anticipated to run at the end of the summer.

Copyright Review

A summary of the determinations from HathiTrust copyright review activities in April is given below. See CRMS-US and CRMS-World for more information.




Public Domain Determinations

All Determinations

Public Domain Determinations

All Determinations



7,576 131,880 245,305


2,691 5,179 24,154 44,746


6,256 12,755 156,034 290,051

HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC)

HathiTrust Research Center project members assembled in Urbana, Illinois to launch Phase II of HTRC’s efforts. Following the successful release of HTRC software and services on March 30, 2013 (marking the completion of Phase I), HTRC is focusing its limited resources in Phase II along two lines: 1) community engagement and community-driven enhancements to HTRC software and services; and 2) the HTRC Sloan Cloud for non-consumptive research.  To the former, the HTRC is pleased to welcome Miao Chen as Assistant Director of Education and Outreach. Miao recently received her PhD in information sciences from Syracuse University. She will be helping to organize the outreach efforts. A significant upcoming event is the 2nd HTRC UnCamp, scheduled for early September. The event will be held at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. Details will follow. The HTRC Sloan Cloud, a project in development that is funded by a grant from the Sloan Foundation, is the technical infrastructure for carrying out text analysis using general university compute resources securely in way that does not violate terms of copyright.


University of Michigan staff determined functional requirements for relating journal-level MARC records to article-level MARC records, and journal-level “aboutware”.

Development Updates

HathiTrust institutions performed the following work related to applications and Web interfaces:

Collection Builder

Staff investigated ways of improving the sorting of serial publications.

Data API

Staff implemented a mechanism for automatically deleting registered Data API keys that have not been activated.

Full-text Search

Staff explored ways to improve relevance ranking in full-text search results and fixed two bugs in searching materials with Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters: searches did not always work when quotes were used around characters, and there was a problem in recognizing the Boolean “AND” operator.


Staff implemented a new code-debugging scheme for testing access by rights attribute.

Storage Hardware Replacement Cycle

HathiTrust installed new storage at the Indiana and Michigan sites that will both accommodate 2013 volume projections and replace storage scheduled for retirement. Storage due for retirement will be taken offline starting in late May or June.


Pages did not display in HathiTrust on Thursday, April 4 from 3:30 - 4:15pm due to a software problem that was identified and corrected.

Daily full-text indexing was suspended from Wednesday, April 24 to Tuesday, April 30 due to a complication with a storage system software upgrade. The problem was resolved and normal indexing processes resumed.

New Growth

As of May 1:

  April Overall
Boston College 0 2,179
Columbia University 0 65,033
Cornell University 1,279 419,804
Duke University 0 4,523
Harvard University 27 236,068
Indiana University 15 195,227
Library of Congress 1 89,724
North Carolina State University 0 3,196
Northwestern University 18,167 33,561
New York Public Library 28,662 288,342
Penn State University 13,171 58,596
Princeton University 1 251,702
Purdue University 0 44,692
Universidad Complutense 0 111,982
University of California 577 3,388,025
The University of Chicago 1,377 30,285
University of Florida 0 2,068
University of Illinois 3 109,314
University of Michigan 1,793 4,636,751
University of Minnesota 1,590 106,275
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 0 16,588
University of Wisconsin 18 555,725
University of Virginia 0 50,815
Utah State 0 117
Yale University 0 23,678
Total 66,681 10,724,270

Public Domain (~31%)

Total* 51,815 3,373,522

* Includes volumes opened through copyright review and rights holder permissions

Summary of Issues Received by User Support

Issue Type April March
Content 379 382


368 373

Non-partner Digital Deposit

1 1


9 8
Cataloging 140 87
Access and Use 145 149


71 77


13 16


0 0

Print on Demand

0 1

Inter-library loan

4 4

Full-PDF or e-copy requests

21 32


4 5

Data Availability and APIs

1 2

Reuse of content

5 3
Web applications 31 11

Functionality problems

7 4

Problems with login specifically

1 1

General Questions about Login

1 2

Partners setting up login

0 2

Usability issues

7 1

Feature requests

2 0
Partner Ingest 3 13
General 76 87


12 9


2 0


62 78
Total 774 729

Most Accessed Volumes


Startling facts for native Americans called "know-nothings"; or, A vivid presentation of the dangers to American liberty, to be apprehended from foreign influence.

The Tosa diary, by Tsurayuki Ki, translated by William N. Porter.

Quicksand, by Nella Larsen

The five laws of library science, by S. R. Ranganathan.

What patriotism demands; an American Catholic's view, by John Lancaster Spalding.

Engineering mathematics with tables, by Miles A. Keasey, G. Alfred Kline, and D. Allison McIlhatten.

Birth control review, v.1-3 1917-1919

Lavender and old lace, by Myrtle Reed.

The exploration of the Colorado River and its canyons, by J. W. Powell.

Investigation of Korean-American relations: Report of the Subcommittee on International Organizations of the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives, October 31, 1978.

May Forecast

  • Continue to explore ways of improving relevance ranking  of full-text search results
  • Begin automatic data migration from old to new storage at Indiana site


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