Available Indexes

Update on November 2014 Activities

December 12, 2014 Syndicate content

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Top News

HathiTrust Budget

HathiTrust submitted the 2015 budget to members for approval. Fee invoices are expected to be sent to members in January.

New Staff Member

We are pleased to announce the hiring of a new Applications Developer for HathiTrust, Josh Steverman. Josh began work December 1st and will be the primary developer for the HathiTrust Government Documents Registry.

New Full-text Search Blog Post

Tom Burton-West authored the third in a series of blog posts on relevance ranking in HathiTrust, this one on document length normalization.


Locally-digitized content

HathiTrust ingested new locally-digitized volumes from the Getty Research Institute and the University of Illinois, and continued working with Texas A&M University and Emory University on new deposit. Utah State University and the University of Missouri are also preparing content for ingest.

Google-digitized content

HathiTrust continued to ingest content from Harvard University and also volumes that had been previously held by Google in escrow, adding a large number of volumes from Penn State in particular.

Internet Archive-digitized content

HathiTrust began working with the University of Pennsylvania on content submission, and began ingesting content from the Getty Research Institute (both Internet Archive- and locally-digitized).

Bibliographic Data Management

The California Digital Library (CDL) loaded 58,128 new or updated bibliographic records into Zephir.


Copyright Review

A summary of the determinations from HathiTrust copyright review activities in November is given below. See CRMS-US and CRMS-World for further information.




Public Domain Determinations

All Determinations

Public Domain Determinations

All Determinations


327 533 167,577 317,784


3,504 6,692 86,117 163,731


3,831 7,225 253,694 481,515

Government Documents Registry

Project staff continued to test an initial algorithm to detect relationships between government documents, including when documents are duplicates, and experimented with ways to automate the addition of SuDoc stems to records that lack them based on agency author. Project staff also contacted HathiTrust members to investigate making corrections to records of more than 6,000 government documents volumes in HathiTrust that are believed to be improperly cataloged.

HathiTrust Research Center

A paper by Sayan Bhattacharyya, Peter Organisciak and J. Stephen Downie, was accepted for publication in a special issue of the peer-reviewed journal Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, covering “The Future of Reading”. The paper focuses on feature extraction from a digital humanities/digital culture standpoint and was supported by the HTRC.

On November 17th, Sayan Bhattacharyya and Harriett Green conducted a workshop on the HTRC Portal at the Scholarly Commons at the University of Illinois Library. The workshop covered how to create and modify worksets, how to run algorithms on worksheets, and how to interpret the results obtained when running selected algorithms (see the event description for further details).

Beth Plale and Robert McDonald represented HTRC at the recent Supercomputing 14 conference, November 17 to 20th. Their exhibit of HTRC featured a sphere visualization, i.e. viewing HTRC-related data on a globe. The visualization included texts published per country, HTRC UnCamp 2013 participants' geolocations, and HathiTrust Google analytics. Follow this link to view the slides from the presentation.

Development Updates

Development updates and activities by HathiTrust institutions included the following:


  • Modified the configuration for Google Analytics to track uses of volumes (and searches within books) at the volume-level only rather than the page- and volume-level. This better reflects the way the Google Analytics data is being used, and aligns with Analytics’ normal processing of heavily parameterized URLs.

Full-text Search

  • A software release for full-text search high-performance storage that addresses performance and stability problems and is suitable for production deployment is expected to be received from the storage vendor for testing in December.

Storage Replacement Cycle

  • Obtained pricing and submitted orders for storage hardware as part of HathiTrust's regular storage purchase and replacement cycle. This purchase follows a smaller, out-of-cycle purchase and installation of storage earlier in the fall, which was done to accommodate substantial repository growth that exceeded earlier projections. Installation is planned to start in January.

Papers & Presentations

HathiTrust on the Road

HathiTrust administrative staff will be attending the following meetings in January 2015. Please get in touch if you would like to meet with us there.

  • Jeremy York, Assistant Director, HathiTrust: Modern Language Association 2015 Convention, Vancouver, BC. January 8-11.
  • Mike Furlough, Executive Director, HathiTrust: ALA Midwinter 2015, Chicago, IL. January 29-February 2.

December Forecast

  • Reassess accessibility features of PageTurner with particular attention to supporting new content types.
  • Continue working on migration to Solr 4.10 and re-index the collection

New Growth

As of December 1:

  November Overall
Boston College 53 3,263
Columbia University 8,227 73,393
Cornell University 1,573 505,647
Duke University 26 7,801
Getty Research Institute 2,141 18,263
Harvard University 66,760 838,100
Indiana University 3,466 528,644
Keio University 0 90,094
Knowledge Unlatched 0 28
Library of Congress 0 108,892
McGill University 0 893
New York Public Library 1 294,825
North Carolina State University 0 3,196
Northwestern University 4 56,663
Ohio State University 1,821 54,299
Penn State University 237,986 386,578
Princeton University 5 252,807
Purdue University 0 47,488
Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute 0 358
Texas A&M University 12 1,213
Universidad Complutense 1,784 117,229
University of Alberta 3 76,106
University of California 12,995 3,602,849
The University of Chicago 7 51,966
University of Connecticut 8 4,637
University of Delaware 0 38
University of Florida 0 9,866
University of Illinois 9,850 316,633
University of Massachusetts, Amherst 13 11,128
University of Michigan 2,087 4,708,881
University of Minnesota 10 138,607
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 0 17,025
University of Virginia 1 51,207
University of Wisconsin 52 560,672
Utah State 0 117
Yale University 0 23,678
Total 348,885 12,963,084

Public Domain (~37%)

Total*                                                                128,174 4,843,992

* Includes volumes opened through copyright review and rights holder permissions

Summary of Issues Received by User Support

Issue Type November 2014 October 2014
Content 129 153


118 142


11 10
Cataloging 151 198
Access and Use 120 229


55 156


6 9


1 0

Print on Demand

0 0

Inter-library loan

6 2

Full-PDF or e-copy requests

14 19


1 2

Data Availability and APIs

1 0

Reuse of content

1 3
Web applications 24 24

Functionality problems

13 6

Problems with login specifically

0 2

General Questions about Login

2 1

Partners setting up login

0 0

Usability issues

0 0

Feature requests

1 1
Partner Ingest 23 13
General 92 128


7 4


85 124
Total 539 745

Most Accessed Volumes

The Lion Monument at Amphipolis, by Oscar Broneer.
Masterpieces of Furniture Design: A Collection of Measured Drawings, v.1-2 plates 1-50, by Verna Cook Salomonsky.
The Human Figure, by John H. Vanderpoel.
Quicksand, by Nella Larsen.
The Five Laws of Library Science, by S. R. Ranganathan.
Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808, Vol. 42, by Ralph Beaver Strassburger.
The Book of a Hundred Hands, by George Brant Bridgman.
Highway Safety, Design, and Operations: Freeway Signing and Related Geometrics. Hearings, Ninetieth Congress, second session.
Roster of the Confederate soldiers of Georgia, 1861-1865, v.4
Roster of the Confederate soldiers of Georgia, 1861-1865, v.3.



Cumulative 12-month availability of repository access*: 99.949% (+0.000%)

No outages were reported in November.


Bibliographic metadata exports from Zephir were unavailable on November 4th due to a database network connection outage.

* Repository access refers to page viewing and full-text search functionality, i.e., user-facing applications. It does not refer to preservation or storage infrastructure, which is under continual operation.

You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.