Available Indexes

Update on January 2013 Activities

February 15, 2013 Syndicate content

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Late Breaking News

HathiTrust Bylaws Accepted

HathiTrust institutions approved bylaws put forward by the Board of Governors for voting in January. The bylaws are available at http://www.hathitrust.org/documents/hathitrust-bylaws-201302.pdf.

Top News

HathiTrust Resources

HathiTrust hosts a page of resources including handouts and informational sheets created by the Communications Working Group, and links to information about HathiTrust that institutions have posted for their own constituencies. If you have posted resources about HathiTrust (including videos, library guides, etc.) that are not listed, please let us know (feedback@issues.hathitrust.org), and feel free to use and share those that are available.


Local Digitization

HathiTrust hosted a conference call with members of several partner institutions that have been working with HathiTrust’s ingest tools, to discuss development options for the next iteration of the tools. A summary of the meeting, including next steps, is posted in a Google Group forum on HathiTrust Ingest. Individuals interested in issues surrounding ingest of locally-digitized content into HathiTrust are welcome to join. HathiTrust continued to respond to inquiries about the ingest tools and ingest of locally-digitized materials.

Internet Archive Digitization

HathiTrust began ingest of new batches of volumes from the University of Florida, the University of Illinois, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. HathiTrust also loaded bibliographic records for new volumes from Columbia University and Penn State.

Working Groups and Committees

Working groups and committees in HathiTrust may have an operational or strategic focus. See http://www.hathitrust.org/working_groups for more information.


User Experience Advisory Group

The User Experience Advisory Group began to review elements of HathiTrust Web applications that were previously identified as in need of improvement and to review feature requests that have been submitted to the User Support Working Group.

User Support Working Group

A summary of issues received by the User Support Working Group is given in the table at the end of the update.


Bibliographic Data Management

California Digital Library (CDL) continued to work with staff at the University of Michigan to test data exports from Zephir and to plan for the upcoming transition to Zephir for HathiTrust bibliographic metadata management. CDL staff made modifications to support rights determinations on bibliographic records that conform to the Resource Description and Access (RDA) standard. CDL is in the process of implementing a new backup strategy for Zephir to ensure the service will be accessible in the event of an outage. An updated timeline for the project is posted at http://www.hathitrust.org/htmms.

Copyright Review

A summary of the determinations from HathiTrust copyright review activities in January is given below.


January Overall

Public Domain Determinations

All Determinations

Public Domain Determinations

All Determinations



5,028 118,442 216,831


2,198 3,689 14,202 24,710


4,631 8,717 132,644 241,541


Staff at the University of Michigan met to discuss possible changes to the HathiTrust PageTurner, item-level search, and item-level search results to accommodate materials submitted via mPach. Staff began working with sample analytic MARC records and METS objects to determine the scope of anticipated changes. Staff also reviewed the mPach ingest process and discussed workflows for processing issue- and journal-level metadata.

Development Updates

Full-text Search

Staff at Michigan continued to work on relevance ranking for full-text search results. Experiments performed in January found that some very short documents were being ranked too highly by Solr’s default ranking algorithm. Preliminary tests indicated that the issue may be resolved by using Solr’s new BM25, DFR and Information Based ranking settings. Experiments will continue in February.

Michigan staff received official relevance judgments for full-text search data submitted to the 2012 INEX Prove-IT Book Track (see also the paper "Practical Relevance Ranking for 10 Million Books"). After evaluating the results, staff submitted new data using updated relevance judgments.

Staff at CDL made significant progress on a spelling suggestion feature for full-text search. Staff improved the relevance of results through the creation of a new dictionary of suggestions that uses a bigram index for an entire shard’s worth of documents (about 800,000 volumes). The HathiTrust full-text index is broken into “shards” in Solr’s search architecture. Staff also tuned the algorithm that provides suggestions and made significant changes to suggestion scoring parameters, significantly increasing the quality of results. CDL will now look toward deployment of the new feature.

Michigan staff made adjustments to the full-text search indexing process to better support experimental indexing runs and to synchronize data between the full-text search index and information in the HathiTrust print holdings database.

HathiTrust completed the purchase of high-performance storage for full-text search. The new systems are expected to be received in late February for installation and testing.

Lawful Uses

HathiTrust began to implement application-level changes to support access to materials by designated representatives at partner institutions on behalf of users at those institutions who have print disabilities. Designated representatives will need to register and to access HathiTrust using their Shibboleth login from a fixed IP address. Further details on the service will be forthcoming.


HathiTrust completed stylistic changes to messages in mobile PageTurner that appear when special access to materials is granted (e.g., access to volumes that fall under Section 108 conditions or to users who have print disabilities).

Storage Hardware Replacement Cycle

HathiTrust completed projections for new and replacement storage needed for HathiTrust in 2013.

Website Redesign

Staff at Michigan drafted implementation guidelines for a unified Web application framework for HathiTrust. The framework will simplify the execution of a redesign of the HathiTrust website, which is expected to be completed in April.


HathiTrust was unavailable from 5:00-5:40pm EST on Monday, January 21 due to an error in a software release.

HathiTrust sends notice upon discovery and resolution of unscheduled outages and in advance of scheduled outages and maintenance work that may result in an outage. We welcome and encourage additional recipients for these notices. If your institution is not receiving outage notifications and would like to, please contact feedback@issues.hathitrust.org.

New Growth

As of February 1:

  January Overall
Boston College 0 1,842
Columbia University 0 64,390
Cornell University 1,222 416,657
Duke University 0 4,523
Harvard University 3 235,988
Indiana University 83 195,156
Library of Congress 0 89,722
North Carolina State University 0 3,196
Northwestern University 226 12,948
New York Public Library 4 259,578
Penn State University 30 44,762
Princeton University 3 251,654
Purdue University 8 44,637
Universidad Complutense 27 111,928
University of California 1,942 3,385,197
The University of Chicago 1,813 28,533
University of Florida 60 2,068
University of Illinois 218 105,105
University of Michigan 8,862 4,618,698
University of Minnesota 33 104,245
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 7,745 15,833
University of Wisconsin 651 551,031
University of Virginia 0 50,799
Utah State 0 117
Yale University 0 23,678
Total 22,930 10,622,285

Public Domain (~31%)

Total* 18,311 3,296,941

* Includes volumes opened through copyright review and rights holder permissions

Summary of Issues Received by User Support

Issue Type January December
Content 428 274


414 268

Non-partner Digital Deposit

0 3


10 6
Cataloging 99 52
Access and Use 148 95


85 59


17 9


0 0

Print on Demand

1 0

Inter-library loan

0 0

Full-PDF or e-copy requests

23 11


10 5

Data Availability and APIs

0 0

Reuse of content

4 2
Web applications 27 16

Functionality problems

2 5

Problems with login specifically

0 2

General Questions about Login

4 1

Partners setting up login

4 3

Usability issues

1 1

Feature requests

3 0
Partner Ingest 4 1
General 55 48


20 10


0 0


35 38
Total 761 486

Most Accessed Volumes

Title Pageview Count
Investigation of Korean-American relations: Report of the Subcommittee on International Organizations of the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives, October 31, 1978. 6,049
Noblesa catalana : cavallers y burgesos honrats de Rossello y Cerdanya, v.1., by Philippe Lazerme. 5,159
Revelation interpreted, by Rev. G. A. Kratzer. 3,456
All about tank cars, by Standard Car Construction Company. 2,598
Godey's magazine, v.40-41 1850. 2,332
A genealogical record of the descendants of Quartermaster George Colton, by John Milton Colton. 1,693
Bradshaw's handbook for tourists in Great Britain & Ireland, sec.1 1866. 1,609
The effects of nuclear weapons. Compiled and edited by Samuel Glasstone and Philip J. Dolan. 1,454
The cornet of horse: a tale of Marlborough's wars, by G. A. Henty. 1,366
Lloyd's list, 1823. 1,122

February Forecast

  • Continue to work on authorization to support access for users who have print disabilities
  • Continue relevance ranking tests in full-text search
  • Begin steps to deploy spelling suggestion feature
  • Continue work on common Web application framework


You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.