Available Indexes

October 2018 Update

October 2018 Update   


New Board Members

The members of HathiTrust have elected three member representatives to serve on its Board of Governors beginning in 2019:

  • Mimi Calter, Stanford University (three-year term ending in 2021)

  • Robert McDonald, University of Colorado Boulder (three-year term ending in 2021)

  • Holly Mercer, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (one-year term ending in 2019)

Exiting the Board at the end of 2018 are Beth McNeil, Iowa State University; Winston Tabb, Johns Hopkins University; and Sarah Thomas, who is retiring from Harvard University.

The HathiTrust Board of Governors has ultimate responsibility for HathiTrust's activities, strategy, finances, and operations. It includes six at-large members elected by the membership and six members appointed by the founding institutions, which include the University of Michigan, Indiana University, the University of California, and the members of the Big Ten Academic Alliance. See the Board of Governors webpage for a list of the current members of the Board and their terms.


HTRC Extends Non-Consumptive Research Tools to Copyrighted Materials

HathiTrust has reached a tremendous milestone in the history of HathiTrust and the HathiTrust Research Center’s services.  Since 2011, HTRC has been developing services and tools to allow researchers to employ text and data mining methodologies using the HathiTrust collection. To date, this service has been available primarily on the portion of the collection that is out of copyright, with copyrighted item access restricted to only a few tools.

With the development of a landmark HathiTrust policyand an updated release of HTRC Analytics,HTRC now provides access to the text of the complete 16.7-million-item HathiTrust corpus for non-consumptive research*, such as data mining and computational analysis, including items protected by copyright.

This extraordinary opportunity to use copyrighted materials for non-consumptive research purposes expands research access to the entire HathiTrust digital collection, which is sustained by HathiTrust’s 140+ member libraries. Researchers may access all of HTRC’s easy-to-use computational tools ideal for beginners, as well as more complex tools to meet advanced data analysis needs.Researchers from member institutions have the exclusive benefit of full corpus access for the Data Capsule service.

This work has been several years in the making, fulfilling a primary goal of HathiTrust to enable the widest possible lawful research and educational uses of the HathiTrust collection. 

Read the complete blog post.

Additional Resources

HTRC Analytics

HTRC Help & Documentation

Chart on HTRC Analytics Tool Access

Getting Started with HTRC Guide

HathiTrust Non-Consumptive Use Research Policy

*Non-consumptive research use DOES NOT change the legal status of items protected under copyright.


HathiTrust Staff Departure

Valerie Glenn will be leaving HathiTrust to take the position of Head of Map and Government Information Library and Federal Regional Depository Librarian at the University of Georgia (member since 2018). Her last day at HathiTrust will be October 12. Valerie was hired in 2013, and since then has made numerous contributions to HathiTrust; most notably, she led the development of our U.S. Federal Documents Registry. She has been a great asset to the Federal Documents Program; her metadata expertise, project management and analysis skills, and deep understanding of the federal documents landscape have all been instrumental to building our collection. We will miss her, and we wish her tremendous success as she takes on this new challenge!


From the Collection: Pronouncing HathiTrust

Ten years ago this month, members of HathiTrust’s founding institutions agreed upon a name for the nascent organization that was theretofore called the Shared Digital Repository. HathiTrust, the organization named after the Hindi word for elephant, set out to “combine the expertise and resources of some of the nation’s foremost research libraries” with “even greater promise as it [sought] to grow beyond the initial partners.”

Today, HathiTrust continues to grow and to make good on its name to “underscore the immensity of this undertaking,” to “evoke memory, wisdom, and strength,” and “to carry and deliver valuable resources with grace and reliability.”

What often seems disputed is how, exactly, one correctly pronounces the name?

Take a pronunciation tip from the HathiTrust staff break room: 

“Hot Tea Trust” by Jason Colman is licensed under CC-By 4.0.

If that doesn’t work for you, you can click on the pronunciation link on this page.

Just remember, HathiTrust is always HathiTrust — never just “Hathi,” and never “The Trust.” And in the end, correct pronunciation is over-rated. Trust is not. HathiTrust: preservation and access for the record of human knowledge.


Copyright Review Program 


September 2018



Public Domain


Public Domain Determinations

All Determinations


3,884 (74.9%)


247,442 (57%)



23 (35.9%)


160,658 (51.1%)



Featured Copyright Reviewer: Louise Robertson


Louise Robertson
Coordinator, Receiving & Processing and Database Maintenance, McGill University (HathiTrust member since 2011)

Years working in a library: 47 years

HathiTrust start date: March 2016

Review statistics: 6,695 total reviews, 5,226 public domain determinations

I like working for HathiTrust copyright review because it contributes to world scholarly research by identifying works that can be added to the public domain. I enjoy the work because it’s interesting, the training and support are excellent, and the HathiTrust staff are a pleasure to work with.


In the News, Publications, and Research

Part II: Popular LibGuide Draws on HathiTrust Repository

Last month, we highlighted the the “Prices and Wages by Decade” library guide, created and maintained by Marie Concannon, Head of Government Information and Data Archives at the University of Missouri (HathiTrust member since 2011). In this month’s second blog post, we share Marie’s processes, tips, and tools for the benefit of others who may wish to build a reference service of their own. And don’t miss Marie’s lightning talk at the 2018 Member Meeting!

Read Part I: Unleashing the Power of U.S. Federal Documents

Read Part II: Development and Maintenance of an Integrated LibGuide


HathiTrust Staff on the Road

HathiTrust staff will be attending the following events. Please contact us if you wish to meet us at any of these events!

  • October 8-10: edUi Conference 2018, Charlottesville, VA: Angelina Zaytsev

  • October 15-17: Digital Library Federation Forum 2018 and NDSA Digital Preservation 2018, Las Vegas, NV: Natalie Fulkerson, Mike Furlough (presenting), Jessica Rohr

  • October 22-24, 2018 Federal Depository Library Conference, Arlington, VA: Heather Christenson

  • October 30: HathiTrust Member Meeting, Rosemont, IL: HathiTrust Staff

  • November 5-9: Charleston Library Conference, Charleston, SC: Mike Furlough (presenting)

  • December 5-6: EAST Shared Print Monograph Summit, Boston, MA: Mike Furlough and Lizanne Payne

  • December 10-11: CNI Fall 2018 Membership Meeting, Washington, D.C.: Mike Furlough


News or Research to Share?

If you or a patron at your institution has any news to share regarding a publication, presentation, grant, or research underway related to HathiTrust, we’d love to hear about it.  Please share with Jessica Rohr, member engagement and communications specialist, at jbelle@hathitrust.org.



You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.