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November 2018 Update

November 2018 Update

HathiTrust Update Seeks Reader Feedback

HathiTrust publishes the HathiTrust Update newsletter 10X a year to provide updates, build community, and spark conversation about how to engage with the HathiTrust services, access the corpus for research, and advance our shared mission. We want to hear from you. Please take a few minutes to fill out a short reader survey

Welcoming New Members to HathiTrust

We are pleased to announce that New Mexico State University and Whitman College have joined the HathiTrust member community. See our full membership list on our website.

2019 HathiTrust Budget Approved

The HathiTrust membership has approved the 2019 HathiTrust budget. The coming year’s budget will fund recurring operations and activities stemming from HathiTrust’s Strategic Directions for 2019-2023.  In 2019 HathiTrust will collect $3,587,445 from returning HathiTrust members, and plans to spend $4,189,743 funded by member fees and planned disbursements from infrastructure renewal and strategic investment funds. Invoices for all members will be sent in January.   

Heather Weltin: HathiTrust’s New Shared Print Program Officer

Heather Weltin has been named as the HathiTrust Shared Print Program Officer effective January 7, 2019. Heather will step in to the position currently held by Lizanne Payne, who will retire in January 2019. Heather is currently the Director of Collection Management and Resource Sharing for the General Library System (GLS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Heather currently serves as a member of the HathiTrust Shared Print Advisory Committee (SPAC), guiding strategy in Phase 2. Her leadership, commitment to resource sharing, and knowledge of the growing shared print community will enable HathiTrust to explore new shared print services for member libraries and to build and strengthen partnerships for the benefit of member libraries and the scholarly community. Welcome, Heather! Read the full announcement.

Fall 2018 Board Meeting Report

The Board of Governors met on October 29, the day before the Member Meeting. The official business included the following actions and discussions:

  • Approved the institutions that joined HathiTrust in 2018.

  • Delegated new member approval to the Executive Committee as a permanent agenda item.

  • Elected Kenning Arlitsch of Montana State University to serve as incoming chair/treasurer on the Executive Committee beginning in January 2019.   

  • Approved a proposal to amend the Bylaws that would clarify the size of the board and add a provision to extend a board member’s term through the end of their service on the Executive Committee. This will be brought to the membership for a vote at a later date.  

  • Reviewed historic membership growth (an average of nine new members over the last four years) and projections for future growth.

  • Discussed potential application of Research Center tools to collections other than HathiTrust’s.

  • Discussed potential strategies to expand the sources and diversity of HathiTrust’s collections.

The next board meeting is scheduled for February 26, 2019.


2018 Member Meeting: Celebration and Planning

On October 30, more than 100 individuals representing 89 member institutions gathered near Chicago for the 2018 Member Meeting to celebrate the 10 years since HathiTrust’s founding and to lay groundwork for the next decades. Among the attendees were 10 of the 17 HathiTrust members who joined in 2018, several of whom “found the information learned from the membership … very useful” and felt that they were ”not alone” in navigating the ever-changing digital and academic library landscape.

Thanks to everyone who attended the 2018 Member Meeting. We will continue to share more information and outcomes in the near future, and in the meantime, the meeting slides are available on the HathiTrust website and linked below.

2018 Member Meeting Main Slides 

Register for Webinars on Membership Criteria and Fee Model Changes

Members may register for upcoming webinars to learn more about the Membership Criteria and Fee Model Change proposals introduced at the 2018 Member Meeting. Members will be asked to vote on these proposals in early 2019. HathiTrust Executive Director, Mike Furlough, will cover the basic components of both proposals during each of the scheduled sessions:

  • History and governance decisions

  • Benefits of the proposed changes

  • How changes may impact your institution

  • What to expect next

  • Q & A 

Webinar Dates and Times

  • Wednesday, November 28 at 4:00 p.m. Eastern / 1:00 p.m. Pacific

  • Monday, December 17 at 4:00 p.m. Eastern / 1:00 p.m. Pacific

Member representatives received information about registration via email.


Call for Member Participation in U.S. Public Domain Day 2019

When the U.S. Congress enacted the Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998 (the “Sonny Bono extension”), it increased the length of copyright protection for all copyrighted works from 75 years to 95 years, effectively freezing the expiration of copyright on works published in 1923 for an additional 20 years.  On January 1, 2019, the “rolling wall” of copyright expiration will resume, and works published in 1923 will finally move into the public domain in the U.S.

HathiTrust will open more than 40,000 items in the collection originally published in 1923. All of these will be viewable in the U.S. and some globally. With thousands of contributions from member libraries, HathiTrust is uniquely positioned to increase public access to the 1923 items available in its digital repository and to preserve these items for access long into the future.

Below are some actions HathiTrust member libraries can take to recognize the “rolling wall” of copyright and its importance in providing open access to information and fostering creativity and research in the U.S. and around the world:

Compare Collections Metadata

If your library would like to compare the list of titles in HathiTrust to your collection and digitize 1923 works that we lack, you may download the 1923 Publications Collection metadata and compare it to your holdings.

Digitize and Contribute

If your library plans to digitize 1923 items and would like to have them in HathiTrust, please let us know by contacting feedback@issues.hathitrust.org so we can begin working with you. To ensure eligible items are opened by bibliographic determination, the metadata must include the appropriate values for date and place of publication in the appropriate fields.

Promote Public Domain Day

Help HathiTrust promote this momentous occasion by featuring the HathiTrust 1923 collection and items in your own institutions. On Twitter, use the hashtag #publicdomainday to highlight 1923 publications that become available and tag HathiTrust by typing @hathitrust in your Tweets to highlight content in our collective collection.

Read the full blog post for details on preparing and promoting Public Domain Day 2019, as well as to reference other information that may be useful to your own efforts.

For a list of all the titles, please see HathiTrust Collection: 1923 Publications.

Save-the-Date: Webinar on Metadata Sharing Policy

To encourage discovery of materials, research, and for a variety of current and future uses, a HathiTrust working group has drafted a policy that will provide open access to HathiTrust-collected and -managed metadata where it has been determined that legal, contractual, policy, ethical, practical, and strategic considerations allow.

Learn more about the draft policy and how members can submit comments in this upcoming webinar.

  • Wednesday, 12 December,  at 1:00 p.m. Eastern / 10:00 a.m. Pacific

Member representatives and contributor contacts will receive registration information via email after the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday break.

From the Collection: 10 Years of HathiTrust

To celebrate HathiTrust’s 10-year anniversary, HathiTrust staff took the opportunity to reflect on the unprecedented digital collection. The enormous size and rich scope of HathiTrust’s collection represents hundreds of years of library investment in collection-building and stewardship. You can explore a snapshot of their discoveries — representing select aspects of the collection — at Snapshot of the HathiTrust Collection at 10 Years.

HTRC Digging Deeper, Reaching Further Workshop Curriculum Now Available

The final Digging Deeper, Reaching Further curriculum is now available for community use

at https://go.illinois.edu/ddrf-curriculum. The curriculum is an introduction to text data mining

that uses HathiTrust and the HathiTrust Research Center as one avenue for computational

text analysis research. The teaching materials, which include slides, handouts, instructor guides, and activities, have been designed to be modular and adaptable, and they are made available under a CC-BY-NC license.

A partnership of five institutions — the University of Illinois, Indiana University, Lafayette College, Northwestern University, and the University of North Carolina — contributed to curriculum

development and workshop instruction over the last three years. Questions can be sent to



The DDRF project was funded by IMLS (award #RE-00-15-0112-15).

U.S. Federal Documents Program

As of Nov. 1, 2018, HathiTrust contains 525,223 bibliographic records for US Federal Documents including 1,303,550 separate digital objects for 1,113,655 unique items. 492,847 of these bibliographic records represent monographs, and 31,939 represent serial titles.

In Q3 2018, over 20,000 digitized federal documents were contributed by 26 different institutions, including University of California, San Diego (7,219), University of Minnesota (2,818), Texas A&M University (1,523), and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (1,021). Also of note, 2,508 objects from the TRAIL project were ingested, and six other member libraries deposited more than 500 volumes. Notable collection additions include 3,962 Congressional Hearings (identified by SuDoc stem Y4) and the large number of federal documents added in Q3 that were published between 1976 and the present -- close to 12,200.

Shared Print Program

The Retention Models Working Group developed two important recommendations for Phase 2 of the HathiTrust Shared Print Program: identify up to 5 copies of the candidate titles for retention (where multiple copies exist) and distribute the proposed retentions geographically across North America.

OCLC Sustainable Collection Services (SCS) is preparing a report for each Retention Library that will identify its holdings that are proposed for retention using these recommendations. The reports will be provided to the libraries by early December. Each library will be asked to review its report of proposed retentions and to confirm to HathiTrust by mid-February which holdings it agrees to retain. Retention Libraries that are new to the program in Phase 2 will also be asked to execute the Shared Print Agreement (MOU) at that time.

In the News, Publications, and Research

Anderson, Rick. “HathiTrust Expands Offerings to Researchers: A Conversation with Mike Furlough (and Others).” The Scholarly Kitchen. 16 October 2018. Web.

HathiTrust Staff on the Road

HathiTrust staff will be attending the following events.  Please contact us if you wish to meet us at any of these events!

  • December 5-6: EAST Shared Print Monograph Summit, Boston, MA: Mike Furlough and Lizanne Payne

  • December 10-11: CNI Fall 2018 Membership Meeting, Washington, DC: Mike Furlough

  • December 9-10: Preservation of Electronic Government Information (PEGI) National Forum, Washington, DC: Heather Christenson

News or Research to Share?

If you or a patron at your institution has any news to share regarding a publication, presentation, grant, or research underway related to HathiTrust, we would love to hear about it.  Please share with Jessica Rohr, Member Engagement and Communications Specialist, at jbelle@hathitrust.org.



You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.