Available Indexes

March 2021 Update

Welcoming New Members

We are pleased to announce that Binghamton University, Davidson College, Howard University, Humboldt State University, Ohio University, Old Dominion University, Seton Hall University, University of Cambridge, University of Puget Sound, and University of Saskatchewan have joined the HathiTrust member community. See the full membership list on our website. 

Emergency Temporary Access Service

ETAS: Did You Know? 

To identify how many copies of a digitized title in HathiTrust are available to your patrons, check out your most recent overlap report, available to you in your member Box folder (shared with the ETAS contact for your library.). Remember that ETAS title access is based on a 1-1 relationship, so for every print copy you own, you have access to one digital copy. If you have five copies of a print title, then five users may access the title concurrently. Your overlap report will show the number of titles you have and its match in HathiTrust. Contact feedback@issues.hathitrust.org with any questions.

Now Open: Nominations for Program Steering Committee & Shared
Print Advisory Committee 

HathiTrust is now seeking nominations to fill positions on two key groups: the Program Steering Committee and the Shared Print Advisory Committee.

Each group has specific criteria relevant to its area of focus, which you can read on the respective web pages linked below. Beyond the consideration of these criteria, the Chairs of the Committees seek to make appointments that maximize the diversity of perspectives represented by the Committees collectively. The ability of nominees to contribute a non-dominant cultural perspective is especially valued.

Program Steering Committee (PSC)
Number of Seats: 4
Term Length: July 2021-July 2024

General Qualifications: Appointees are typically experienced in senior leadership at their member library. Experience with initiatives involving metadata, collections, information technology, and/or user experience. See the complete PSC selection criteria and overview.

Shared Print Advisory Committee (SPAC)
Number of Seats: 3
Term Length: June 2021-June 2024

General Qualifications: Familiarity with shared print programs and activities to ensure an appropriate level of experience in the issues. Experience with shared print initiatives or maintaining significant collections with plans for long term retention, collection management, preservation and access.

Nominations for both groups may be submitted by Library Directors, Member Representatives, Primary Contacts or through self-nominations. Nominations should include the name, title, and institution of the nominee, and a short description of their qualifications and interests for the appointment. To minimize confusion, please obtain consent from the nominee prior to submitting a nomination for that individual. Please send nominations to Melissa Stewart (mmstewa@hathitrust.org) with the appropriate subject line: “HT PSC Nomination” or “HT SPAC Nomination'' by Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Authentication update: Support for common-lib-terms entitlement

We have implemented support for another option that your institution can use to indicate who is eligible for member access to HathiTrust. This is in addition to standard authorization with the eduPersonScopedAffiliation attribute. This new method uses a specific value —  common-lib-terms —  for a different attribute called eduPersonEntitlement. This is useful for users who may not qualify as regular faculty, students, or staff at your institution, but still have regular library privileges. This might include PhD students who are working on their dissertation but not enrolled in classes, visiting scholars, sponsored instructors, or other kinds of users. 

The entitlement provides regular member access, but does not provide ETAS access. This is because members may provide the common-lib-terms entitlement to a wide variety of users, not all of whom might be eligible for ETAS access. For more information including details on how to configure this attribute for HathiTrust access, see our updated authentication page: https://www.hathitrust.org/authentication

How to Maintain Your HathiTrust Catalog Integrations

Everyone worries about stale records in their catalog or discovery layer service. In many cases, third party vendors solve this issue for HathiTrust records with their frequent update schedule. Subscribing to HathiTrust collections via OCLC, EBSCO, ProQuest and/or ExLibris, and so on, means the HathiTrust records will be current to within a few weeks at most. Similarly, using our Bibliographic API ensures that what is returned matches the identifiers in your records and will be as current as your local catalog.  

But if your method of integration is either via our OAI feed or the HathiFiles, manual updating is required to keep current. They are not one-and-done integration projects. Record identifiers can change; metadata can improve or change affecting discoverability and linking. If you initially used a full Hathifiles file to integrate HathiTrust records into your catalog — either for ETAS access to copyrighted content or just for access to our Full View content — then HathiTrust recommends that you also set up a daily updates ingest workflow for the smaller HathiFiles update releases, or a monthly ingest workflow for each month’s full file. 

If you use our OAI feed to ingest our Full View content, creating an update workflow that utilizes the date request syntax — from and until — should similarly keep your catalog current with the updates that are pushed out to our feed. 

Shared Print Program Update

Assessment and Advancement of our Shared Print Program 

“Greatest value is the belief, commitment and action to a collective collection.
The idea is that what's mine is yours even if ownership is elsewhere.
It is about access knowing we are good at sharing and have limited space.”
- Discussion attendee 

The HathiTrust Shared Print Program is proud to share with our members our first formal assessment of our program. At the end of August 2020, HathiTrust began a process to gather feedback from our then 77 retention libraries regarding their views and opinions about our Shared Print Program. The goal was not only to learn about satisfaction levels, but also to discuss and identify potential new services and enhancements for our program. From this, we learned a lot and are able to use the feedback to focus our efforts to develop the Shared Print Program based on what our members need and value. A brief summary of the assessment findings can be found in our recent blog post

The full assessment report can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/12CPv69dqS8xyuvFO3ZCHboFZBVYaY-UT/view

Annual Opportunity to Participate in HathiTrust’s Shared Print Program

Since HathiTrust’s Shared Print Program was launched in June 2017, member libraries have committed almost 18 million monograph volumes to be retained for 25 years under the HathiTrust Shared Print Program. These volumes represent more than 5.4 million individual titles held in the HathiTrust Digital Library. While this is an amazing achievement, HathiTrust is committed to develop and grow our Shared Print Program. As part of this growth, we are excited to once again announce an opportunity for new HathiTrust member libraries and those member libraries who could not participate previously, the opportunity to participate in our Shared Print Program as a Retention Library.

HathiTrust is working on expanding our program in the next few years which includes a focus on the potential new formats, different policies, and expansion of preservation aspects. Still, we feel offering this opportunity now will allow more members to participate and help us continue to steward up to five print copies, when possible, of all HathiTrust digital holdings.  

If you are interested in becoming a Retention Library, please contact Heather Weltin (weltin@hathitrust.org). In addition, if you are a current Retention Library, and interested in adding more commitments, please contact Heather too!

HathiTrust 101 Webinars: March Madness Recordings 

The HathiTrust 101 March Madness series introduces services and tools across the HathiTrust organization and is a crash-course in making the most of your membership. Our final sessions for the month are now full, but you can find recordings of the first two on our YouTube channel (Full HathiTrust 101 Playlist .) The upcoming sessions will be recorded and posted there, as well. Stay tuned for future sessions and topics! If you’ve got an idea for one you’d like to see, drop a line to Jessica Rohr, Member Engagement & Communications Specialist, jbelle@hathitrust.org

Recording: Creative Commons Licensing at Your Own Institution
Kristina Hall, Copyright Review Program Manager

Recording: Introduction to HathiTrust’s Shared Print Program
Heather Weltin, Shared Print Program Manager & Daniel Dollar, Yale University

HathiTrust Digital Library: Search & Collection Builder — REGISTRATION FULL
Angelina Zaytsev, User Services Librarian
Thursday, March 25,  2:00-3:00 p.m. EDT / 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. PDT

Introduction to HathiTrust — REGISTRATION FULL
Jessica Rohr, Member Engagement Specialist & Melissa Stewart, Assistant to Executive Director
Wednesday, March 31, 2:00-3:00 p.m. EDT / 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. PDT

Slack Pop-Up in April: Live User Support

Thursday, April 1, 2:00 pm EDT/3:00 pm PDT #General channel 

Join three member experts from the HathiTrust User Support team for our first ever LIVE user support session. M. Constance Fleischer (University of Chicago), Jenn Siegel (Brandeis University), and Lynne Serviss (McMaster University) will be on hand to answer your questions about the digital library — everything from accessing and using items in the collection to cataloging and copyright. They bring their experience answering hundreds of user inquiries live and in-person to you. Got a burning question? Bring it.  

You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.