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Update on July 2014 Activities

August 8, 2014 Syndicate content

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Top News

HathiTrust Research Center Award and Job Announcement

The HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) was awarded a grant from the National Endowment of the Humanities for its project, “Exploring the Billions and Billions of Words in the HathiTrust Corpus: HathiTrust+Bookworm”. View the full announcement.

The HTRC is also seeking a Manager of Operations and Lead R&D Architect. Please see the job posting for more information. Applications are being accepted until August 14, 2014, or until the position is filled.

HathiTrust Member Meeting

As announced in the Update on June Activities, HathiTrust’s first Annual Meeting will be held in Washington, D.C. on Friday, October 10, 2014. We ask all official Member Representatives to plan to attend. Following the model of the 2011 Constitutional Convention, library directors from consortia that are HathiTrust members may also attend. Details on the location, schedule and agenda will be distributed soon.


Locally-digitized content

HathiTrust corresponded with the University of Washington, University of Iowa and Princeton University about ingest of locally-digitized content.

Internet Archive-digitized content

HathiTrust began ingest of content from the University of Connecticut and corresponded with Washington University, the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and Columbia University about ingest of new content.

Bibliographic Data Management

The California Digital Library loaded 98,850 new or updated bibliographic records into Zephir.


Copyright Review

A summary of the determinations from HathiTrust copyright review activities in July is given below. See CRMS-US and CRMS-World for further information.




Public Domain Determinations

All Determinations

Public Domain Determinations

All Determinations


215 315 165,340 314,270


3,996 7,268 59,652 117,369


4,211 7,583 224,992 431,639

Government Documents Registry

HathiTrust is seeking a developer to Project staff documented possible methods for identifying items as U.S. federal government documents based on their bibliographic metadata, and continued work on an algorithm to detect relationships between items. These methods will be tested and refined in the coming weeks.

HathiTrust Research Center

Tim Cole and Peter Organisciak recently presented HTRC posters on HathiTrust metadata evaluation and large-scale text analysis at Digital Humanities 2014 in Lausanne Switzerland, July 7-12, 2014.  The following week, J. Stephen Downie and Megan Senseney conducted instructional sessions about HTRC tools and services across multiple workshops at the Digital Humanities Oxford Summer School, July 14-18, 2014.

Development Updates

Development activities by HathiTrust institutions included the following:

Authentication and Authorization

  • Enhancements to the workflow for updating access privileges for staff who have special access to restricted materials.

Collection Builder Application

  • Staff improved the application’s performance when sorting lists of items in large personal collections, and improved the accuracy of sorting multi-part monograph and serial volumes when date information is available.

Full-text Search

  • A determination that the INEX 2007-2010 Book Track  test collections would not be suitable for use in testing HathiTrust full-text search relevance ranking algorithms due to several issues, including missing relevance judgments and underspecified queries. Staff are in the process of analyzing the issues to design criteria for creating a suitable test collection.
  • Continued communication with the supplier of the high-performance storage system for full-text search and await a software update that is expected to resolve performance and stability problems.


  • The release of a new user interface “skin” for the Copyright Review Management System. This update brings the CRMS interface into closer alignment with the public-facing PageTurner interface, and will address presentation bugs and facilitate future changes.

Server replacement cycle

  • Staff continued installation of new full-text search servers, with revised plans to put them into service in August at the Michigan site and in September at the Indiana site.


Cumulative 12-month availability: 99.844%

Service was unavailable on Friday, July 25 from 6:30-8:30am EDT and full-text search was additionally unavailable until 9:15am EDT, when blocking measures were implemented against abnormally heavy search activity and all services were restored.

Personal collections were unavailable on Monday, July 28 from 5:00-5:10pm EDT for a database optimization designed to increase performance.

New Growth

As of August 1:

  July Overall
Boston College 13 3,210
Columbia University 1 65,166
Cornell University 6,108 493,870
Duke University 1 7,775
Harvard University 0 238,065
Indiana University 16 196,098
Keio University 0 90,080
Knowledge Unlatched 0 24
Library of Congress 0 108,883
McGill University 0 893
New York Public Library 3,024 294,818
North Carolina State University 0 3,196
Northwestern University 1 56,399
Ohio State University 15,064 41,923
Penn State University 9,996 91,488
Princeton University 850 252,775
Purdue University 2,214 46,912
Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute 0 358
Texas A&M University 0 1,201
Universidad Complutense 1,129 113,282
University of California 47,213 3,567,847
The University of Chicago 34 51,664
University of Connecticut 4,629 4,629
University of Delaware 0 28
University of Florida 0 9,866
University of Illinois 10,283 153,182
University of Massachusetts, Amherst 0 11,115
University of Michigan 8,702 4,697,774
University of Minnesota 18,247 138,427
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 0 17,025
University of Virginia 4 51,206
University of Wisconsin 1,398 558,650
Utah State 0 117
Yale University 0 23,678
Total 128,927 11,391,624

Public Domain (~34%)

Total*                                                                120,097 3,968,569

* Includes volumes opened through copyright review and rights holder permissions

Summary of Issues Received by User Support

Issue Type July 2014 June 2014
Content 197 168


182 157


14 10
Cataloging 179 163
Access and Use 178 188


126 125


3 6


0 0

Print on Demand

0 0

Inter-library loan

2 2

Full-PDF or e-copy requests

10 2


3 0

Data Availability and APIs

3 3

Reuse of content

7 3
Web applications 22 18

Functionality problems

5 7

Problems with login specifically

4 2

General Questions about Login

1 1

Partners setting up login

1 1

Usability issues

1 0

Feature requests

2 2
Partner Ingest 9 4
General 122 86


10 7


112 79
Total 707 627

Most Accessed Volumes

Advanced accounts; a manual of advanced book-keeping, by R.N. Carter.
Coffee processing technology, v. 1, by Michael Sivetz and H. Elliott Foote.
Hortus gallicus pro Gallis in Gallia scriptus..., Symphoriano Ca[m]pegio ... authore; [Analogia medicinarum indaru[m] et gallicaru[m]
Quintus Curtius [History of Alexander], Vol. 2, with an English translation by John C. Rolfe.
Pearson's magazine. v.5 no.4 (Apr. 1901).
The Human Figure, by John H. Vanderpoel.
Kinematics and dynamics of plane mechanisms, by Jeremy Hirschhorn.
Consumption of the Lungs and Kindred Diseases, Treated and Cured by Kerosene, by Charles Oscar Frye.
Roster of the Confederate soldiers of Georgia, 1861-1865, v.3.
Quintus Curtius [History of Alexander], Vol. 1, with an English translation by John C. Rolfe.

August Forecast

  • Make improvements to the interface for navigating full-text search results.
  • Continue work on new Image Server capabilities for continuous text content.
  • Reassess accessibility features of PageTurner with particular attention to supporting new content types.
  • Migrate to Solr4.9 and reindex the collection.

Papers & Presentations

You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.