Available Indexes

July/August 2020 Update

New Members
Welcome to New PSC Members
ETAS Continuation Assessment due August 31
NEW Web Documentation for ETAS
Registration Open for Member Meeting on Oct. 22
HathiTrust 101 Webinar Series: Register Now
HathiTrust Digital Library: Collections and Classroom Tips
Shared Print Update - The Partnership for Shared Book Collection Working Group Opportunities

New Members

We are pleased to announce that Brock UniversityReed CollegeRyerson UniversityTrinity CollegeUniversity of ManitobaUniversity of MelbourneUniversity of WaterlooWilfrid Laurier University, and Xavier University of Louisiana have joined the HathiTrust member community. See the full membership list on our website. 

Welcome to New PSC Members 

The Board of Governors approved the appointment of the following three candidates to serve on the Program Steering Committee (PSC) for three years, beginning July 2020:

Mihoko Hosoi, Penn State University (Member library since 2008)

Rice Majors, University of California, Davis (Member library since 2008)

Denise Pan, University of Washington (Member library since 2010)

They also approved 2-year term extensions for current PSC members Joseph Hafner, McGill University (Member library since 2011) and Daniel Dollar, Yale University (Member library since 2010).

HathiTrust thanks departing PSC members Sharon Farb, University of California - Los Angeles (Member library since 2008) and Sarah Shreeves, University of Arizona (Member library since 2011).

ETAS Continuation Assessment due August 31

HathiTrust is committed to providing member libraries with the Emergency Temporary Access Service (ETAS) for as long as there is a QUALIFYING disruption in access to their collections due to a temporary, emergency situation such as the global health pandemic. We recognize that each member will face varying scenarios for resuming services to their communities in the coming months. To help with planning and to confirm lawful continuation of Emergency Temporary Access Service at member libraries library, we have shared additional information about eligibility for continued access to ETAS, and the week of August 5, HathiTrust sent a message to ETAS contacts at each member institution requesting they complete an assessment survey by August 31. 

We intend to work with members on a case-by-case basis during the month of August to assess their unique scenario and welcome inquiries at any stage of the planning process. The survey focuses on characterizing disruptions to a member campus, library, and collection access. We will weigh each factor in determining ETAS continuation. Completion of this assessment allows us to verify that we are continuing to provide ETAS lawfully within the bounds of fair use during a time of much change for our member libraries. 

Thank you in advance to our members for responding to this request. For questions, please contact feedback@issues.hathitrust.org.

A webinar on ETAS Continuation was held the week of August 10. The recording of the session is available on the HathiTrust YouTube channel

NEW Web Documentation for ETAS

All libraries with continuing Emergency Temporary Access Services have agreed to abide by our Terms of Service, which disallow circulation of the print copies of any ETAS-available title in HathiTrust that is also on your shelves. We have created a guide on how to make items non-circulating in your catalog. Please note that while not all systems or configurations are included, we welcome you to submit a ticket to feedback@issues.hathitrust.org  if you need help getting started. 

Remember to let your campus community know about HathiTrust as you enter the new term. You can find materials in the Member Toolkit, check out videos on HathiTrust, Search, Logging In, and ETAS on our HathiTrust YouTube channel. Consider integrating HathiTrust records into your catalog and/or discovery system

You can find additional materials on promoting the Emergency Temporary Access Service on the HathiTrust website.

Registration Open for Member Meeting on Oct. 22

Registration is now open for the virtual 2020 Member Meeting. Library directors, member representatives, primary contacts, and governance/advisory group members have already received a registration request via email, to which we request a response by September 30. Additional registration for the meeting, as well as registration for sessions of the HathiTrust Community Week, will soon be open to anyone affiliated with a member library. Learn more about the official member meeting and the HathiTrust Community Week.

HathiTrust 101 Webinar Series: Register Now

Join HathiTrust staff and guests for a series of webinars introducing services and tools across the HathiTrust organization. The webinars cover a range of topics. From contributing content and getting the gist of HathiTrust’s governance model to integrating HathiTrust catalog records and serving your patrons with print disabilities, the HathiTrust 101 series is your back-to-school primer on making the most of your membership.

Registration is first-come, first served. To ensure the best experience for all, we are limiting each session to 40 attendees. We will send an invitation with joining information to those who register. 

Ingest 101: Contributing Content to HathiTrust

Wednesday, August 12, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT

Recording available on the HathiTrust YouTube Channel

Natalie Fulkerson, Collection Services Librarian, and Aaron Elkiss, Enterprise Architect, introduce the content contribution and ingest process for HathiTrust. For those considering contributing for the first time, learn how to evaluate whether ingest is right for your institution, locate resources on our website, and initiate an ingest workflow. Time for Q & A included.


Discovery & Access 101: Integrating Records into Your Catalog

Wednesday, August 19, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT

Recording available on the HathiTrust YouTube Channel

Graham Dethmers, Metadata Analyst, provides an overview of methods you can use to integrate ‘Full View’ and ‘Limited (search-only)’ records in the HathiTrust Digital Library into a local catalog or third-party discovery layer. Time for Q & A included.

Introduction to HathiTrust: More Than a Digital Library

Recording of August 20 session will soon be available on the HathiTrust YouTube channel.

Thursday, August 27, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT (Friday, August 28, 8:00 AM AEST/ 10:00 AM NZST)

Register Here

(Time slot specifically for members in Australia and New Zealand, but anyone may attend.)

Join HathiTrust staff members, Jessica Rohr and Melissa Stewart, for a session to learn more about HathiTrust as an organization; as a resource for teaching, learning, and research; and opportunities for involvement. Open to both new and current member libraries. Time for Q & A included.

Accessible Text Request Service 101: Serving Patrons with Print Disabilities

Thursday, September 10 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT

Register Here

Angelina Zaytsez, User Services Librarian, and other staff present on this member benefit. For your patrons with print disabilities, access to the entire HathiTrust corpus is possible through ATRS. Designed for both new and experienced users of the service, this webinar will present the basics, as well as share perspectives from current users. Time for Q & A included.

HathiTrust Digital Library: Collections and Classroom Tips

Collection Builder

Collection Builder in the HathiTrust Digital Library is a feature that allows individuals to create specific collections. Faculty and students may wish to do this to share items with a class, aggregate research titles, or to highlight a collection specific to your institution. Creating a collection also allows you to download basic information about your collection in order to build a workset in the HathiTrust Research Center or to analyze the collection. Learn more about Collection Builder.

Curated Collections

Collections can be made public or private, and many robust collections have been compiled by organizations, institutes, and researchers. Some of the more prominent collections open to the public may be useful in curricula or research. Below are samples of some of the larger curated collections available:

Agricultural Documents of Michigan State University

California Legislative Publications, 1850-2009

English Short Title Catalog

Islamic Manuscripts, University of Michigan Collection

Making of America, Cornell University Library

Negro Universities Press (NEW)

New Zealand Parliamentary Debates (Hansard)

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

U.S. Federal Documents - 1.3 Million Items

Other Tips

Remember to login to www.hathitrust.org with your institutional ID to ensure you have access to the most number of titles: for ETAS access and to download full PDFs of items available in the public domain.

Looking for search tips? Check out the basic crib sheet in Searching and Viewing books in the Help section.

Shared Print Update - The Partnership for Shared Book Collection Working Group Opportunities 

HathiTrust recently joined The Partnership for Shared Book Collections. The Partnership’s vision to “ensure the long-term preservation of, access to, and integrity of monographic print resources” support HathiTrust’s own goals for our shared print program. At this time, the Partnership is forming their new governance structure and looking for members interested in participating in the following working groups: 

  • Research and Network Level Working Group: This Working Group will consolidate the work of the original Risk and Outreach & Engagement Working Groups.  It will investigate activities that best scale at the network-level for shared print such as: conducting research on relevant issues, supporting marketing and communication to stakeholder audiences, developing funding strategies to expand shared print, and providing support for new programs. 

  • Infrastructure Working Group: This newly forming Working Group will continue the work of the Open Retention Data Working Group and focus on ensuring a robust infrastructure in support of shared print including access to open retention data, support for reporting including identifying unique materials, and integration of shared print content (including digital content) into relevant metadata and discovery services. We anticipate this WG will coordinate with the recently formed collaboration of the California Digital Library, the Center for Research Libraries, and HathiTrust to more fully integrate shared print into the full life cycle of collections ( download the overview presentation from the CRL site), and provide general advocacy with vendors of shared print infrastructure related services, including interoperability with the evolving suite of resource sharing services.

If you are from a HathiTrust member library and interested in being in one of these groups, please let Heather Weltin (weltin@hathitrust.org) know by August 21. 


You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.