Available Indexes

November 2021 Update

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HathiTrust is Hiring: User Support Specialist
2021 Member Meeting Wrap-Up: Recording and Notes
Slack Pop-Up in December: Dissertation Licensing
HathiTrust Digital Library Tip: Using Images from the Collection
HathiTrust User Support Holiday Hours
From the Collection: Astro Bubbles
In the News, Publications, and Research

HathiTrust is Hiring: User Support Specialist

We are seeking someone to join our team in a new role dedicated to advancing the user support and quality response for all of our services. The individual in this role will manage HathiTrust Digital Library user services, coordinating workflows, documentation, and activities, and support our organizational goals to promote equity and continue our legacy of high-quality, innovative services.  

We welcome applications from individuals at member libraries (and beyond) who are interested in working more closely with HathiTrust to support you, your users, and others around the globe. The position is open through November 27, 2021. Read more about the job and apply here: https://careers.umich.edu/job_detail/207134/user-support-specialist

2021 Member Meeting Wrap-Up: Recording and Notes

HathiTrust’s annual member meeting on October 21, “Community in a Time of Change,” was attended by 215 people from 134 institutions, including 29 new member libraries. One attendee wrote, “As someone new to HathiTrust, and someone who attended their first HathiTrust membership meeting, I thought the meeting was well done. It was informative and enlightening.” Response to the shortened format was positive and feedback will help inform next year’s meeting and additional online events.

Many thanks to those who attended or who have watched the recording. Your active participation helps ensure that we remain a member-led, member-driven organization serving the needs of academic and research libraries, as well as the public good.

The shared notes and slides from the meeting, in addition to the recording of Mike Furlough’s annual update and the keynote address from Dr. Kim Gallon of Purdue University (HathiTrust founding member), are posted on the 2021 Member Meeting webpage.

Slack Pop-Up in December: Dissertation Licensing

Creative Commons CC logo

Slack Pop-Up in December: Dissertation Licensing
Thursday, December 16, 2:00 pm EDT/11:00 am PDT 

Join Kristina Hall, Copyright Review Program Manager, and Margaret Grumeretz, Licensing Assistant, for a discussion on dissertation licensing outreach, process, and impact. In 2020, UC Davis Archives and Special Collections began contacting alumni with information on how to open their thesis or dissertation in HathiTrust, helping UC Davis graduates open access to more than 600 works. Sara Gunasekara in Archives and Special Collections at University of California-Davis (HathiTrust founding member) will be on hand to answer questions, as well. Find more information about the HathiTrust Creative Commons license process.

Did you miss the November Pop-up?

Did you know you can scroll back through the HathiTrust Community Slack #General channel and catch up on the discussion? Four member reviewers in this pilot program, as well as other HathiTrust members online, had a lively discussion on serial copyright reviewing, the challenges of serial reviewing, and the colorful inserts they discovered. Reviewer Monica Moore (Scholarly Communications Librarian, University of Notre Dame (HathiTrust founding member)) is encouraged by the project “ . . . to open up things that may not ever be seen, things that are ephemeral or had a short run, or represent a community or viewpoint that isn't well-represented…”

Library professionals from member libraries are welcome to join their 250+ peers on the HathiTrust Community Slack. Please submit a request by emailing


HathiTrust Digital Library Tip: Using Images from the Collection

image download

Are you or one of your users interested in using an image from a HathiTrust item in a publication but aren’t sure how to get it, or if doing so is even permitted? This is a common question received by the HathiTrust User Support Team, and they have ideas to help you.

Users are encouraged to cite and link to digital content and are free to do so without asking for permission. However, when you wish to download an image to reuse in other publications, there are a few things to consider. As HathiTrust does not own the intellectual property to the books in our collection, we are unable to sign any reuse agreement forms. HathiTrust also does not provide legal advice, and therefore, you will need to make your own determination as to whether you can reuse content from the HathiTrust collection. Here are some tips to help you make that decision:

  • Check the copyright status of the book, which is displayed in the left sidebar under Rights. Consult our Access and Use page to understand the different copyright statements. 

  • Verify the copyright status of the material you wish to use. You need to make your own assessment of the copyright or other legal concerns related to uses beyond those provided by HathiTrust for particular works.

  • For books that were digitized by Google, there may be restrictions on reuse of the scanned images of the text or of the OCR. There are no restrictions on use of text transcribed from the images, or paraphrased or translated using the images. You can contact Google’s User Support team if desired.

  • If you determine that you may reuse the content, select the JPG or TIFF image download option from the Download feature in the left sidebar of the catalog. JGPs are generally better suited for online use, while TIFFs are best for print. You may download a High resolution (suitable for online publication) or Full resolution image (better suited for print).

    Download screen shot

HathiTrust User Support Holiday Hours

HathiTrust User Support will be out of the office during the following United States holidays in the next few months. The team will still receive patron messages at feedback@issues.hathitrust.org, but there may be some delay in response. The full-time staff of HathiTrust will also be taking holiday time and will respond to inquiries as soon as they are able.

United States Thanksgiving weekend from Wednesday, November 24 through Sunday, November 28, 2021.

Winter break from Wednesday, December 22, 2021 through Sunday, January 2, 2022.

Photo of candle by Lukas Langrock on Unsplash

From the Collection: Astro Bubbles

Astro Bubbles

Caption: Little is known about the author of this work of speculative science fiction, which envisions the world as a hollow cylinder. Investigations into the author’s life suggest she may have been Marlow Field (née Bonner), 1902–1973. (Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky: https://twitter.com/beeostrowsky/status/1456710939659616263)

Title: Astro Bubbles

Author:  Field, Marlo

Illustrator: Field, Marlo

Published: Boston, MA: The Four Seas Co, 1928. (Contributed by University of Michigan, founding HathiTrust member.)

In the News, Publications, and Research

Christenson, Heather; Dethmers, Graham; Rohr, Jessica. “Covid 19 & the HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service.” IFLA section on Government Information and Official Publications Newsletter (IFLA GIOPS,) Vol. 1, No. 1.

Fulkerson, Natalie and Weltin, Heather. “Old Texts, New Networks: HathiTrust and the Future of Shared Print” in Transforming Print: Collection Development and Management for Our Connected Future. Shari Laster and Lorrie McAllister, Eds. American Library Association, 2021.

Furlough, Mike. “Enduring Legacy: Million Book Project Turns 20.” Recording. (Mike Furlough’s presentation starts at 45:00 minutes.) 2021.

Marcum, Deanna and Schonfeld, Roger C. “Seeking Complementarities: The Emergence of HathiTrust in Along Came Google: A History of Library Digitization. Princeton, NJ. Princeton University Press, 2021.

Hinchliffe, Lisa; Smith, Rob; Robinson, Jude; Zaytsev, Angelina. “Accessibility and Scholarly Communications: Ensuring Access for All.” Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC, November 3, 2021. 




You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.