Available Indexes

November 2020 Update

New Members
Call for Proposals for Funded Round of HTRC ACS
WRAP UP: 2020 Member Meeting & HathiTrust Community Week
Update on October Board Meeting
Members Vote on 2021 Budget Through Nov. 23
Emergency Temporary Access Service Updates
Join the Conversation: HathiTrust Community on Slack
Webinar Series Invitation: CDL, CRL and HathiTrust Collection Comparison Tool and its Application in Shared Print
In The News, Publications & Research
HathiTrust User Support Holiday Hours
Coming Soon: New Download Formats

New Members

We are pleased to announce that Bard College, Bowdoin College, and University of San Diego have joined the HathiTrust member community. See the full membership list on our website. 

Call for Proposals for Funded Round of HTRC ACS

Help us spread the word on your campus! 

The HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) requests proposals for a special funded round of its Advanced Collaborative Support (ACS) program as part of the Scholar-Curated Worksets for Analysis, Reuse & Dissemination (SCWAReD, pronounced “squared”) project generously funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. ACS is a scholarly service offering collaboration between researchers and HTRC staff to solve challenging problems related to computational analysis of the HathiTrust corpus. 

In this cycle of ACS, we seek to collaborate with scholars to recover volumes in HathiTrust that tell the story of historically under-resourced and marginalized textual communities, and to identify gaps where such communities are not represented in the HathiTrust Digital Library. The goal of the projects will be to explore new methods for creating, analyzing, and reusing curated digital library collections, along with research data derived from these collections. Selected projects will build HTRC worksets, which are collections of content from the HathiTrust Digital Library optimized for text data mining, and then use data processing and analysis techniques to analyze the workset, and to create derived datasets suitable for scholarly reuse.

The selected projects in this round will be awarded $30,000 to cover project costs, in addition to the HTRC staff time and compute resources typically given to awardees as part of the program. 

  • Funding can be used to cover staff and student effort, travel, materials and supplies, and other relevant project costs, as allowable by Mellon Foundation and Indiana University policies.

  • Each awarded proposal will receive access to HTRC staff to collaborate on the proposed project during the award period. The staff consists of specialists in information science, computer science, cultural analytics, and HathiTrust. HTRC ACS support may include such activities as project scoping; navigating HTRC and HathiTrust tools, data, and collections; volume identification and workset/dataset creation; facilitating data access; and selecting, customizing, or running analysis tools.

Projects will be supported from January 2021 through August 2022.

Submission Deadline: November 30, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. ET

Full submission guidelines available in the Call for Proposals. Read more about SCWAReD in the Indiana University press release

Wrap Up: 2020 Member Meeting & HathiTrust Community Week

Word Cloud of HathiTrust

Thanks to everyone who attended the 2020 Member Meeting! Two-hundred-and-fifty  attendees from 148 institutions registered for the Member Meeting, a 60% increase over the usual average of 100 attendees, with 240 actually in attendance. The first-ever Community Week brought together attendees from around the world. As many as 200 individuals at a time Zoomed in to hear from colleagues on a multitude of topics related to HathiTrust.

In his annual report, Executive Director, Mike Furlough, addressed the organization’s strategic plans and budget for 2021.  He reported that in 2021 HathiTrust will continue support of teaching and research in the pandemic, through the provision of ETAS and other access services.  He also discussed an additional key priority for 2021, advancing equity and justice through our programs, servies, and the organization.  He noted that HathiTrust’s role as a steward of such a large amount of scholarly content means that we have a responsibility to examine how and to whom that material is made accessible into the future.   This will be values-driven work, requiring focus on our organization’s operations, our membership model, and our access, collections, and metadata policies and processes.  Throughout the coming year HathiTrust will update the membership on this work. 

The member meeting, plenary session, and each Community Week session were recorded and are now posted on the HathiTrust website and on our YouTube channel. Slides for each Community Week presentation are linked from the HathiTrust Community Week webpage.

Member Meeting Playlist on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtYBrz1-79IVMbmy9vphLJgFN4pv0Ebq5

The playlist includes Mike Furlough’s Annual Report; the panel Interdependence and Crisis; and presentations on the HathiTrust Research Center and working groups on User Engagement, Digital Collections Strategy, Community Metadata Strategy, Federal Documents, and Shared Print.

Community Week Playlist on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtYBrz1-79IWaqSdnTNspugg9e7eKDq4D

Each of the 12 sessions was recorded and all are now available as individual recordings in this playlist. 

Plenary Panel: Interdependence and Crisis 

Panelists: Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Patricia Hswe with Moderator, Elaine Westbrooks

Image above: “Describe HathiTrust in 3 words” word cloud generated by attendees of the session “Choose Your Own Adventure: Tell Us What You Know About HathiTrust.”

Update on October Board Meeting 

The HathiTrust Board of Governors met virtually on October 21.  The Board heard reports on several topics, including the Emergency Temporary Access Service and future shared print services, and agreed to review and update the processes used to select the Chair Elect of the Board   

In addition, the Board reviewed plans to pursue equity and justice in HathiTrust’s services and the organization, affirming a long term commitment to this work.  In 2021 HathiTrust will review its strategy for developing the membership, and focus especially on barriers that impede libraries from joining.  

The  Board reviewed a new Statement of Values and discussed how it should be used and affirmed by the membership.   Executive Director Mike Furlough was directed to develop an engagement plan that would provide feedback on potential revisions to the draft, and would lead to a vote of the full membership to ratify the Statement of Values in early 2021.  (Details on these processes will be announced soon.) 

This was the last meeting chaired by Kenning Arlitsch, Montana State University (HathiTrust member since 2014).  The Board also recognized John Culshaw, University of Iowa (HathiTrust member since 2008), who is rotating off of the board after representing the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) on the board for five years (including three years on the Executive Committee). The BTAA has appointed Claire Stewart, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (HathiTrust member since 2012), to serve as BTAA representative on board beginning in January.

The next board meeting is on February 11, 2021.

Members Vote on 2021 Budget Through Nov. 23

Each year, Member Representatives from each HathiTrust member library vote to approve the budget as per the bylaws. The vote opened Monday, November 2, and will close on Monday, November 23. Member Representatives received an email with a link to the ballot. Below are summary points. The full proposal of the 2021 budget is available as a recorded presentation linked below.

In recognition of members’ potential financial uncertainty, HathiTrust is holding the total amount of fees in 2021 flat with most members seeing a decrease in their 2021 annual fee.

In addition to supporting ongoing services and programs, the proposed budget focuses on three strategic areas: supporting the teaching, learning and research mission through ETAS and attenuating services; advancing an agenda and actions to mitigate structural inequities in HathiTrust services, programs, and organization; and building capacity to address strategic priorities, especially those to modernize infrastructure and systems.

Watch Executive Director Mike Furlough’s presentation on the 2021 budget: https://youtu.be/KLCYzZZiFYE

Emergency Temporary Access Service Updates

ETAS Holiday Update

HathiTrust staff and its user support team of member librarians will be taking time off during the U.S. Thanksgiving (Nov. 25-27) and winter holiday breaks (Dec. 19-Jan. 3). We will be unavailable to respond to non-emergency inquiries during that time and will not be conducting activation or reactivation assessments.  In early December, we will share information with ETAS contacts on a new assessment period beginning in January 2021.

We encourage you to review the following tips for making the most of the service. For service questions, please contact feedback@issues.hathitrust.org

ETAS Resources

Integrate ETAS Records
Help users easily locate HathiTrust records by integrating them into your catalog. 

Submit New Print Holdings
Update your holdings to permit ETAS access to titles. These are processed monthly.

Read Your Overlap Report
Find information about your collection and what’s available in ETAS.

Dig into ETAS Usage Reports
Discover which ETAS items are most popular in your collection and when check-outs occur most frequently.

Promote & Support ETAS
Peruse HathiTrust and member-created videos, blogs, and social media and contribute your own for others to use.

Recordings of ETAS-Focused Community Week Sessions

ETAS: Temporary Prop or Bridge to the Future?
Chris Prom, Associate Dean for Digital Strategies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Wrangling User Data to Understand ETAS (or HathiTrust) Success (https://youtu.be/Gmy_23ri0lY)
Renata Ewing, Service Manager, HathiTrust & Digital Content, California Digital Library; Chan Li, Assessment Program Librarian, University of California, Berkeley; and Kathryn Stine, Senior Product Manager, Digitization & Digital Content, California Digital Library

Join the Conversation: HathiTrust Community on Slack

Join the Conversation: HathiTrust Community on Slack

Nearly 200 HathiTrust members have joined  the HathiTrust Community on Slack since its launch prior to 2020 HathiTrust Community Week. Discussions to date include topics on ETAS usage, metadata to identify government documents, monthly overlap reports, and favorite HathiTrust items. 

If you are currently in the HathiTrust Community jump in to ask questions, pose ideas, or otherwise tap into the vast knowledge of your fellow members in the community.

The Slack platform is a private, ad-free virtual space. The HathiTrust Community on Slack is for members only, allowing members to touch base with others deeply involved in HathiTrust services and programs, to swap best practices, and to get help from other members.

People affiliated with member libraries are welcome to join. Please submit a request by emailing feedback@issues.hathitrust.org. We will add you to the main channel.

Webinar Series Invitation: CDL, CRL and HathiTrust Collection Comparison Tool and its Application in Shared Print 

A new webinar series hosted and presented by the CDL, CRL, HathiTrust Shared Print Collaboration will highlight the upcoming release of an openly accessible collection comparison tool. Users will be able to compare their unarchived serial titles and holdings against the retention commitments and trusted digital holdings registered in the Print Archives Preservation Registry (PAPR). Webinars will be recorded.

Introduction to the Collection Comparison Tool for Serials and Journals (Nov. 10)

Recording available here: https://vimeo.com/480609565 

Connecting Print to Digital Using the Collection Comparison Tool for Serials and Journals

December 10, 4 p.m. ET, 3 p.m. CT, 1 p.m. PT

Register in advance for this meeting by clicking here.

Demonstration of Collection Comparison Tool for Serials and Journals

January 13, 4 p.m. ET, 3 p.m. CT, 1 p.m. PT:

Register in advance for this meeting by clicking here.

In The News, Publications & Research

HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service: Reaping The Rewards Of Long-term Collaboration

Fulkerson, Natalie; McIntyre, Sandra; and Stewart, Melissa (2020) "HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service: Reaping The Rewards Of Long-term Collaboration," Collaborative Librarianship: Vol. 12 : Iss. 2 , Article 8.

Available at: https://digitalcommons.du.edu/collaborativelibrarianship/vol12/iss2/8

HathiTrust User Support Holiday Hours

HathiTrust User Support will be out of the office during the following United States holidays in the next few months. The team will still receive patron messages at feedback@issues.hathitrust.org, but there may be some delay in response. The full-time staff of HathiTrust will also be taking holiday time and will respond to inquiries as soon as they are able.

United States Thanksgiving weekend from Wednesday, November 25 through Sunday, November 29, 2020.

Winter break from Wednesday, December 23, 2020 through Sunday, January 3, 2021.

Coming Soon: New Download Formats 

A catalog feature under development will permit logged-in users from member institutions the ability to download public domain titles in multiple formats, enabling them greater ability to use the items in different readers or devices. A release date is to be determined. 

Future download options will include: 

  • PDF 

  • Text epub 

  • Jpeg image 

    • If user selects single page, will download as .jpeg; if user selects multiple files or whole book, will download as .zip

  • Plain text (.txt)

  • Plain text (.zip)


You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.