Available Indexes

Update on November 2010 Activities

December 10, 2010   Syndicate content

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Top News

Extensions to Copyright Scheme – Staff at the University of Michigan outlined specifications and implementation details for supporting Creative Commons licenses in the repository’s rights management scheme, including system APIs. The CC licenses are a work in progress, but HathiTrust hopes to allow these additional CC options for rights holders to open access to their works early next year. In conjunction with this work, the full range of access and use statements for HathiTrust materials was revised to be more useful to end users. Please visit HathiTrust Access and Use Policies for more details.

Bibliographic Data Management – The California Digital Library kicked off development of the new metadata management system for HathiTrust in November. The system is expected to be operational by the first quarter of 2012.

Working Groups

Communications – The group focused on work with many new partners to create press releases and announcements, and on the announcement of a major milestone: the finalization of the partnership that will participate in next year’s constitutional  convention.

Development Environment – The new development environment continues to function well. Work on expanding storage capacity is ongoing, and new MySQL servers are on order, to be installed in late December or early January. Although the group may schedule additional discussions if issues emerge, the primary work of the development environment working group is now complete.

Discovery Interface – Changes requested by the Discovery Interface Working Group (DIWG) to the HathiTrust-OCLC catalog were implemented by OCLC in early November and reviewed by the working group. The DIWG is working with OCLC and the Communications working group to prepare publicity on a prospective release of the prototype catalog. These preparations include a strategy for linking to the prototype from the current HathiTrust search portal page. The DIWG is planning a period of user testing, feedback gathering, and analysis following release. 


New Partner Ingest – Ingest of volumes from Cornell University began in November, and ingest testing was performed on a sample of Yale University volumes. Full ingest from Yale will begin in December.

Development Updates

Large-scale Search – Staff at the University of Michigan prepared in November to re-index the full text of all volumes in the repository, a process that is estimated to take 40 days. HathiTrust has been adding incrementally to the existing full text search index as new content has been deposited. This process will exercise for the first time the capability of the indexing system to operate in a dual-mode configuration, maintaining the currency of the production full text index while simultaneously building the new one. The new index will include several changes such as improved handling of non-Latin scripts (e.g. CJK, Thai, Devanagari) and additional cataloging metadata. Re-indexing is expected to start in early December and the new index is scheduled to be available by the end of January.

Further improvements to full-text search included the implementation of optimization and integrity checks as part of the daily index-building routine. Optimization increases consistency in query response times, and integrity checks prevent a corrupted index from being released into active service. 

PageTurner – In preparation for the deposit of historical photographs from the Minnesota Digital Library and Minnesota Historical Society, developers at Michigan modified PageTurner to support repository objects that do not have plain text OCR for some or all provided images. Michigan staff also made significant progress on BookReader integration with PageTurner. Next steps include additional modifications to the integrated interface, and performance testing.

Outages – There were no outages in November.

Partner News

CDL Object Validation Tool – The Object Validation tool that CDL began to develop in August is nearly complete. Next steps will be to share with the HathiTrust community and enlist partner institutions to participate in using and evaluating the tool. Interested partners should contact HOVA-L@listserv.ucop.edu.

New Growth

Number of volumes added:

Columbia University357,282
Cornell University53,80753,807
Indiana University695179,029
New York Public Library1,066257,828
Penn State University233,365
Princeton University130,648208,142
University of California92,1531,917,335
The University of Chicago02,440
University of Illinois014,428
University of Michigan54,8144,234,664
University of Minnesota14173,864
University of Wisconsin6,774

Public Domain (~24%)



Yale UniversityNovember 3

December Forecast

  • Continue work on BookReader integration, full-text re-indexing, and Data API security enhancements
  • Finalize framework for ingest of locally-digitized content and establish technical systems for routine ingest
  • Begin ingest of Yale volumes and content from new partner institutions
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