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Update on October 2014 Activities

November 19, 2014 Syndicate content

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HathiTrust Member Meeting

HathiTrust held its first annual Member Meeting on October 10, 2014. Meeting Notes, presentations, and other documentation from the meeting are posted online, as is a new blog post containing reflections on the meeting by Executive Director Mike Furlough. 

Research Center Request for Proposals

The HTRC released a Request for Proposals for Advanced Collaborative Support (ACS), a new launched scholarly service that pairs individuals with expert staff at the HTRC over an extended period of time, to facilitate computational research on the HathiTrust corpus and use of HTRC tools. Details are provided at the link above. Interest parties are invited to submit proposals by 5:00 pm on January 8th, 2015.


Locally-digitized content

HathiTrust advised Texas A&M University, Columbia University, Emory University, Yale University, and the University of Washington on issues of validating content, and provided information about content submission to the University of British Columbia.

Google-digitized Content

HathiTrust ingested more than 530,000 new public domain volumes from Harvard University, and more than 200,000 volumes that had previously be held in escrow by Google from Indiana University, Pennsylvania State University, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Internet Archive-digitized Content

HathiTrust communicated with the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill about correcting problems with images and bibliographic data and about submission of new content.

Bibliographic Data Management

The California Digital Library (CDL) loaded 773,823 new or updated bibliographic records into Zephir.

Working Groups and Committees

Program Steering Committee

The Program Steering Committee (PSC) held its second in-person meeting in Washington, DC, on October 11th, the day following the first annual Members meeting.  In addition to reviewing work under way in the currently active working groups,the Committee received and began discussing a draft report and recommendations from the Government Documents Initiative Planning and Advisory Group. After further review, the PSC expects to forward the report to the Board in December, with recommendations for action.  The remainder of the meeting focused on four broad areas that have been identified for further planning and activity in the coming year:  Non-Text Formats; Quality Assurance and Validation; Services for Users who have Print Disabilities; and Metadata Strategies and Policies (view the planning briefs in these areas for more information). Through the remainder of the fall the PSC will use its biweekly calls to take up each of these areas in turn, and develop action plans for programmatic activities. 


Copyright Review

A summary of the determinations from HathiTrust copyright review activities in October is given below. See CRMS-US and CRMS-World for further information.




Public Domain Determinations

All Determinations

Public Domain Determinations

All Determinations


525 896 167,338 317,403


6,996 11,690 83,564 158,893


7,521 12,586 250,902 476,296

Government Documents Registry

Project staff continued to refine a relationship detection algorithm for US government documents, and hope to have an initial algorithm finalized by mid-November. Staff also continued to identify improperly cataloged records for US government documents in HathiTrust and to seek to determine the comprehensiveness of selected US government documents. An update of project activities for the past six months is now available from the Registry web page.

HathiTrust Research Center

On October 23rd, J. Stephen Downie, Jacob Jett, Peter Organisciak and Loretta Auvil of the University of Illinois and Pip Wilcox of Oxford University presented an overview of the HTRC at the 2014 Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science. Panel members presented on the following topics:

  • Introduction to HTRC (Downie)
  • WCSA/Collection Building (Jett & Wilcox)
  • Feature Extraction (Organisciak)
  • HTRC Bookworm (Auvil)

More information on HTRC’s panel at DHCS 2014 can be found on the conference website.

CLIR Fellows Sayan Bhattacharyya from the University of Illinois and Matt Davis from North Carolina State University were awarded a CLIR micro-grant to research and develop use cases for new tools to conduct large-scale algorithmic analysis of text corpora. The use cases are intended to support the development of tutorials for such tools, including tools to be used in the HathiTrust Research Center.

Development Updates

Development updates and activities by HathiTrust institutions included the following:

Authentication, Authorization, and Access

  • Continued to add support for “access profiles” (see the Update on September Activities), including modifications to mechanisms that display relevant rights information in OAI records, and watermarks in the HathiTrust PageTurner.

Full-text Search

  • Fixed a bug affecting indexing and full-text searching of an estimated 50% or more of Chinese and Japanese volumes. Searching of these materials is now significantly improved.
  • Performed benchmarking tests on the new high-performance storage system after installing new pre-release software. The system now performs as expected, and will be put into service when a software release suitable for production deployment is obtained from the provider.
  • Made further enhancements to the search index update and release process that will be used with the new storage system.

Server Replacement Cycle

  • Completed installation of new full-text search servers at the Indiana repository instance, and transitioned those and the new servers installed at Michigan in September into service.

Storage Replacement Cycle

  • Purchased and completed an early installation of approximately half of the new storage for the 2015 cycle. The storage was purchased to accommodate substantial repository growth this fall, which exceed earlier projections.


Cumulative 12-month availability of repository access*: 99.949% (+0.105%)

Permanent links to HathiTrust volumes, including links from the HathiTrust catalog, were not working on Thursday, October 9 from approximately 4:30-5:10pm due to an outage with the CNRI Handle Service.

A bug in Zephir resulted in a failure to export full catalog metadata on October 31. The problem was corrected on November 4. As a result of the problem, the aggregate “hathifile” generally produced on the first of each month was not available until November 4. 

* Repository access refers to page viewing and full-text search functionality, i.e., user-facing applications. It does not refer to preservation or storage infrastructure, which is under continual operation.

New Growth

As of November 1:

  October Overall
Boston College 0 3,210
Columbia University 0 65,166
Cornell University 1,607 504,074
Duke University 0 7,775
Getty Research Institute 1 16,122
Harvard University 533,275 771,340
Indiana University 132,916 525,178
Keio University 14 90,094
Knowledge Unlatched 1 28
Library of Congress 9 108,892
McGill University 0 893
New York Public Library 6 294,824
North Carolina State University 0 3,196
Northwestern University 17 56,659
Ohio State University 1,909 52,478
Penn State University 57,065 148,592
Princeton University 2 252,802
Purdue University 575 47,488
Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute 0 358
Texas A&M University 0 1,201
Universidad Complutense 2,067 115,445
University of Alberta 129 76,103
University of California 8,536 3,589,854
The University of Chicago 56 51,959
University of Connecticut 0 4,629
University of Delaware 1 38
University of Florida 0 9,866
University of Illinois 11,747 306,783
University of Massachusetts, Amherst 0 11,115
University of Michigan 3,161 4,706,794
University of Minnesota 17 138,597
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 0 17,025
University of Virginia 0 51,206
University of Wisconsin 1,308 560,620
Utah State 0 117
Yale University 0 23,678
Total 754,419 12,614,199

Public Domain (~37%)

Total*                                                                704,260 4,715,818

* Includes volumes opened through copyright review and rights holder permissions

Summary of Issues Received by User Support

Issue Type October 2014 September 2014
Content 153 172


142 161


10 10
Cataloging 198 223
Access and Use 229 110


156 61


9 8


0 1

Print on Demand

0 1

Inter-library loan

2 2

Full-PDF or e-copy requests

19 16


2 4

Data Availability and APIs

0 1

Reuse of content

3 5
Web applications 24 22

Functionality problems

6 10

Problems with login specifically

2 1

General Questions about Login

1 2

Partners setting up login

0 2

Usability issues

0 0

Feature requests

1 0
Partner Ingest 13 12
General 128 101


4 14


124 87
Total 745 640

Most Accessed Volumes

The Lion Monument at Amphipolis, by Oscar Broneer.
Quicksand, by Nella Larsen.
Mitchell's Modern Atlas: A Series of Forty-Four Copperplate Maps.
The Human Figure, by John H. Vanderpoel.
Now and Then and Long Ago in Rockland County, New York / compiled by Cornelia F. Bedell.
Consumption of the Lungs and Kindred Diseases, Treated and Cured by Kerosene, by Charles Oscar Frye.
Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin, by Steffen Arctander.
Highway Safety, Design, and Operations: Freeway Signing and Related Geometrics. Hearings, Ninetieth Congress, second session.
Godey's Magazine, v.40-41, 1850.
Coffee Processing Technology, v. 1, by Michael Sivetz and H. Elliott Foote.

Papers & Presentations

October Forecast

  • Continue work on new Image Server capabilities for continuous text content.
  • Reassess accessibility features of PageTurner with particular attention to supporting new content types.
  • Migrate to Solr 4.10 and re-index the collection.
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