Emergency Temporary Access Service Updates
HathiTrust Statement of Values: Inviting Your Feedback
Register for a Statement of Values Webinar
Copyright Review Program
Update to Bibliographic Determination date for Worldwide Access
UC Davis Dissertation Outreach
Register for HathiTrust 101 Webinars: March Madness
Digital Objects Quality Corrections Group Member Profile: Timothy Provenzano
Welcoming New Members
We are pleased to announce that Simon Fraser University has joined the HathiTrust member community. See the full membership list on our website.
Emergency Temporary Access Service Updates
ETAS Assessment Results
Throughout January, member libraries using the Emergency Temporary Access Service submitted an assessment to HathiTrust documenting the continuing disruptions to their campus, library, and collection access. Weighing each factor in the assessment, HathiTrust staff worked with members to determine their ongoing eligibility to use ETAS within the bounds of fair use and other guidelines. To date, 122 members will continue using ETAS during the current term while 73 are deactivated. During this assessment period, a total of 11 members either requested deactivation or were assessed and found that they needed to deactivate their use of ETAS. The list of ETAS activated and deactivated libraries is updated regularly on the HathiTrust website.
ETAS: Did You Know?
This is a reminder that items in the HathiTrust collection marked as “Full View” are either in the Public Domain or available via a Creative Commons license. These items ARE NOT subject to the same print circulation restrictions as ETAS titles. You may freely circulate those items in your print collection that are marked “Full View” in HathiTrust. The ETAS Terms of Service apply to only those titles you have in print that are copyrighted and made available through the Emergency Temporary Access Service.
HathiTrust Statement of Values: Inviting Your Feedback
We are in the process of engaging our membership community for feedback on the current draft of the Statement of Values. Our expectation is that once finalized later this spring, these values will guide the work of HathiTrust, its staff and leadership, as well as its member-led governance bodies and advisory committees. A call inviting comment via a brief survey went out the week of February 8. Executive Director Mike Furlough and members of the Board of Governors and Program Steering Committee are also hosting several webinars on the topic later this month and in March. The comment period closes March 19.
Complete the Statement of Values Survey
Register for a Statement of Values Webinar
Tuesday, February 23, 4:00 pm-5:00 p.m. EST / 1:00-2:00 p.m. PST
Register for this session: https://bit.ly/3pB97YA
Wednesday, March 17: 1:00-2:00 p.m. EST / 10:00-11:00 a.m. PST
Register for this session: https://bit.ly/3pB97YA
About the Statement of Values
HathiTrust began developing the Statement of Values for the organization in 2020. The process began in the spring with the appointment of the Statement of Values and Code of Conduct task force. Following their review, HathiTrust leadership began drafting a version that was reviewed by the Board of Governors in October, and introduced during the 2020 Membership Meeting. We encourage members to undertake outreach in their own libraries to obtain feedback from as many different groups and perspectives as possible.
Copyright Review Program
In 2020, the Copyright Review Program had three active projects with more than 50 people participating. We continued our long-standing project of US monographs and copyright renewal. We completed the Crown Copyright Project, which identified and opened government documents from Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom that were published 50-or more years ago. The newest project in the portfolio focuses on items published in the U.S. and elsewhere suspected to be published before 1926, but that are not clearly identified as such in their metadata.
2020 Copyright Review Program Statistics
68,419 completed determinations
54.7% (37,418) of those were public domain in the US
12.3% (8,416) were public domain outside the US
Update to Bibliographic Determination date for Worldwide Access
HathiTrust has revised our Bibliographic Determination policy based on a better understanding and analysis of copyright terms and author death dates shared by our colleagues at Google.
The effect of HathiTrust’s revised policy is that works published outside of the United States will be placed into “Worldwide Full View” access 15 years sooner, from 140 years after the date of publication to 125 years after the date of publication. This means that more than 400,000 volumes in HathiTrust published between 1881-1895 were updated from “US view” to “Worldwide Full View.” Titles determined to be “Worldwide Full View” will continue to roll forward by one year every January, so 1896 will become full view for global users on January 1, 2022. The US public domain publication date remains at 1925, which is the latest year of US copyrights to expire.
UC Davis Dissertation Outreach
The University of California, Davis (HathiTrust member since 2008) has begun reaching out to their alumni with information on how to open their thesis or dissertation in HathiTrust. Sara Gunasekara at UC Davis Archives and Special Collections is leading the outreach. “In less than two weeks, we’ve heard from twenty-four UC Davis graduates eager to open their thesis or dissertation with a Creative Commons license.” More information about the HathiTrust Creative Commons license process is here https://www.hathitrust.org/creative_commons_declaration_form
Register for NEW HathiTrust 101 Webinars
But first .. stop by the next Slack Pop-up!
Slack Pop-up: Catalog Integration: Alma
Thursday, February 25, 3:00 pm EST/12:00 am PST #General channel
Join Corinna Baksik from Harvard University (HathiTrust member since 2008) in the HathiTrust Community Slack to ask questions and learn more about how she integrated HathiTrust records into Alma and Aleph
HathiTrust 101 Webinars: March Madness
Join HathiTrust staff and guests for this continuing series of webinars introducing services and tools across the HathiTrust organization. The HathiTrust 101 March Madness series is a crash-course in making the most of your membership.
Registration is first-come, first served. To ensure the best experience for all, we are limiting each session to 40 attendees. We will send an invitation with joining information to those who register. All sessions will have Q&A and will be recorded.
Creative Commons Licensing at Your Own Institution
Kristina Hall, Copyright Review Program Manager
Thursday, March 4, 2:00-3:00 p.m. EST / 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. PST
Are you interested in working with HathiTrust to get your institution’s publications open with a Creative Commons license? Learn tips for compiling a list of items and seeking permission to open them from your institution. Hear about member examples of this work and how your institution can benefit from this outreach and preservation of your institution’s scholarly record.
Register for this session: https://forms.gle/PETBSxNdBQmd6v51A
Introduction to HathiTrust’s Shared Print Program
Heather Weltin, Shared Print Program Manager & Daniel Dollar, Yale University
Wednesday, March 10, 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST/ 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. PST
Whether you are a current retention library, wish to become one, or simply want to hear more about the effort, this webinar will take you through the basics and the future vision of the Shared Print Program with a first-hand member perspective on its benefits. Learn how the program aims not only to preserve print titles, but also to enhance data availability and services through the collective collection.
Register for this session: https://forms.gle/NJAD7BpYUmFwBrGC9
HathiTrust Digital Library: Search & Collection Builder
Angelina Zaytsev, User Services Librarian
Thursday, March 25, 2:00-3:00 p.m. EDT / 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. PDT
Are you looking for ways to zero in on just what you need for your reference interviews or research using HathiTrust Digital Library? Join this session for an in-depth look at Search and Advanced Search to discover materials in the 17.4 million item collection. Learn how to use Collection Builder to collate titles and refer to them later.
Register for this session: https://forms.gle/PPK4GsQTvHdGHgCi9
Introduction to HathiTrust
Jessica Rohr, Member Engagement Specialist & Melissa Stewart, Assistant to Executive Director
Wednesday, March 31, 2:00-3:00 p.m. EDT / 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. PDT
Join HathiTrust staff members Jessica Rohr and Melissa Stewart for a session to learn more about HathiTrust as an organization; as a resource for teaching, learning, and research; and opportunities for involvement. Open to prospective, new, and current member libraries.
Register for this session: https://forms.gle/PP5kyr8trQZmiqLR7
Digital Objects Quality Corrections Group Member Profile:
Timothy Provenzano
HathiTrust’s Digital Objects Quality Corrections group (DOQC) is charged with managing quality issues with items in the HathiTrust Digital Library. When Timothy Provenzano of Arizona State University (HathiTrust member since 20210) joined the group, he was “not really familiar with HathiTrust at that time, but it sounded like an interesting opportunity, and related to my ‘day job’ as the lead for our reformatting projects.”
Now the chair of the DOQC, he says, “I think there is a perception that digitization is easy or straightforward, probably because people often associate office copiers with digitization, and assume reproducing a volume is the same. But making a good, accessible scan requires a lot of careful work. Our group exists in large part to try to remediate the problems that can come up in this process. [The] quality of scans definitely has improved with time, and we continue to strategize about new ways to improve and correct images. I’m very hopeful that we will continue to see improvement to the quality of scans going forward.”
Timothy says the most gratifying moments during his tenure on DOQC are “Definitely helping to correct images for researchers who need access to these materials ... So many people are grateful for what HathiTrust does, and it’s nice to be a part of that community. Also working with my great team of volunteers, who put in a lot of work and are so flexible and helpful.”
News or Research to Share?
If you or a patron at your institution has news to share regarding a publication, presentation, grant, or research underway related to HathiTrust, we’d love to hear about it. Please share with Jessica Rohr, member engagement and communications specialist, at jbelle@hathitrust.org.