Available Indexes

September 2018 Update

Welcoming New Members to HathiTrust

We are very pleased to announce that University of Colorado Boulder has joined the HathiTrust member community. See the full membership list on our website.

2008-2018: The Founding of HathiTrust

This October, HathiTrust will celebrate its 10th anniversary. The organization’s pre-history began with Google in the early era of mass digitization and, since its founding in 2008, HathiTrust has grown into today’s robust and influential organization. What began as a risky venture into digital territory —  especially for academic and research libraries — is now a collaborative model for the future of supporting libraries and advancing scholarship. 

Today, HathiTrust comprises 140+ member institutions, preserves 16+ million items, and continues to advance its founding mission: to contribute to research, scholarship, and the common good by collaboratively collecting, organizing, preserving, communicating, and sharing the record of human knowledge.

The articles and press releases below summarize the early years leading up to the founding and the people and institutions who launched HathiTrust ten years ago.

Markoff, John and Wyatt, Edward. “Google is Adding Major Libraries to its Database.” New York Times [New York] 12 December 2004. Web.

HathiTrust. Major Library Partners Launch HathiTrust Shared Digital Repository: There’s an Elephant in the Library; Organizers Promise It Will Never Forget [Ann Arbor] 13 October 2008. Web.

Current Activities

Summer Board Meeting Highlights

The Board of Governors held its summer meeting by video conference on August 29 and took the following actions:

  • The Board approved a proposal for operation of the HathiTrust Research Center, 2019-2023, which will be funded through co-investments by Indiana University, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and HathiTrust. Over the coming five years, the Research Center will continue to offer services for users of all experience levels, but will expand its focus on outreach and education among the HathiTrust membership.  The Research Center will be led by director John Walsh at Indiana, who will work closely with co-director Stephen Downie at Illinois.
  • The Board approved the slate recommended by the Nominating Committee for the 2018 Board of Governors election. The final ballot will include the following six nominees:

○      Mimi Calter, Stanford University

○      Bryn Geffert, Amherst College

○      Robert McDonald, University of Colorado Boulder

○      Holly Mercer, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

○      Matthew Sheehy, Brandeis University

○      Kornelia Tancheva, University of Pittsburgh


Three seats will be filled in the election: two seats with three-year terms from 2019-2021 and one seat with a one-year term from January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2019. Member representatives were sent the ballot on September 4. The voting period will close on September 24.

  • The Board discussed a preliminary 2019 budget and approved a provisional timeline for implementing a change to the current fee model. The final budget and fee model modification will be presented to the membership for approval in October.

Members: Register for the 2018 Member Meeting, Oct. 30

HathiTrust’s annual member meeting will honor the 10th anniversary of HathiTrust and look ahead to the future as members explore ways to support and implement the organization’s five-year plan as outlined in Strategic Directions 2019-2023:

This year’s dynamic and discussion-driven meeting will focus on several important issues:

  • Changes to HathiTrust’s membership criteria
  • HathiTrust's 2019 budget and adjusted fee model (HathiTrust will provide advance materials for this topic and the bullet above.)
  • Strategic direction alignment with member goals
  • Areas of potential collaborative work
  • Highlights from member representatives

The meeting is open to member institutions only, and attendance from the member representative, director, or dean of each institution is encouraged. An appointed delegate may attend instead. It is important that attendees have voting authority, either as the official voting representative or with delegated authority.

This year’s meeting will take place October 30, 2018, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CT at the Loews Chicago O’Hare Hotel located at 5300 N. River Road, Rosemont, IL  60018. Phone (847) 544-5300

For more information, please see the 2018 Member Meeting or contact Melissa Stewart with questions (mmstewa@hathitrust.org).

Call for Proposals: Member Meeting Lightning Talks

At this year’s upcoming Member Meeting, representatives from member institutions will honor HathiTrust’s 10-year anniversary and ignite the collaborative work that will spark the organization into the next decade. 

The call is open for members to submit proposals of short lightning talks addressing how HathiTrust membership has enabled their member institution to succeed in its goals. How has HathiTrust membership resulted in changes in your processes, practice, or thinking? Some areas to consider include Collections Development; Patron Services; Academic Research; Teaching and Learning; Space Planning or any other common challenge. 

Lightning talks should be no longer than five minutes, should be delivered by one person, and may include one Powerpoint slide if desired.

Please submit proposals using this Google form by Friday, September 14.

Any staff member of a member library may propose a lightning talk.  Although meeting registration is currently limited to one official representative from each member institution, slots will be available for lightning talk presenters to attend as well. For past examples, see the 2017 lightning talks beginning on slide 9 of last year’s member meeting presentation.


State Seal of California

Thousands of Historical California Legislative Publications Digitized and Openly Available Online[1] [2] 

HathiTrust now includes 4,000 California Assembly and Senate publications in its digital repository, available as a featured collection available for reading access worldwide. The result of a collaboration between the California Office of Legislative Counsel and librarians at the University of California, Stanford University, and the California State Library, the project was initiated at the University of California’s California Digital Library (CDL) by Heather Christenson, the current HathiTrust Program Officer for Federal Documents and Collections. 

“Everyone on this project, from our partners in higher ed to the California state government, recognizes the importance of preserving government publications. We couldn’t have done it without collective will and effort, and HathiTrust’s commitment to digital preservation makes this possible,” says Christenson.

The collected California legislative materials include introduced bills, amended bills, and statutes of the California Assembly and Senate, some dating back to 1849, as well as published materials that support, augment, or contextualize the bills.

Anyone may access the public domain materials in the HathiTrust Digital Library to browse, read, or download one page at a time. Individuals affiliated with one of HathiTrust’s 140+ member institutions have special access to download full-work PDFs of the volumes.  Data mining and textual analysis can also be performed on the publications using tools in the HathiTrust Research Center.

The collection is not yet comprehensive, as there are gaps in the series for each publication type, and work will continue to locate copies of missing volumes, to digitize them, and to include them in this set of open materials.  To contribute to the efforts to complete and correct these materials, please send communications to HathiTrust at feedback@issues.hathitrust.org.

Read more detail on the project and the collection on the HathiTrust blog.

Copyright Review Program

New copyright reviewers sought to work on U.S. State Government Documents

Nominations for new copyright reviewers on the project U.S. State Government Documents 1923-1977 will open in just a few days, running from September 10 until October 1. Members of this group gain experience in copyright with a one-year work commitment to join our review team doing three hours a week of copyright review on state government documents in HathiTrust. No experience in copyright is necessary; HathiTrust will provide training. The nomination form will go out via email to HathiTrust primary contacts and be posted on the Copyright Review Program web page. Self-nominations are invited. A limited number of seats are available.

A call for nominations for another project, U.S. Monographs 1923-1963 will run separately early next year. Look for it in January 2019 with training to take place February through March. The Monographs project is a one-year commitment at six hours a week and focuses on more complicated monographic works.

For those deciding to which project to submit nominations, there will be an informational webinar about “Participating in the HathiTrust Copyright Review Program” on Tuesday, September 11, 2018, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. ET at https://bluejeans.com/330680501. No registration is necessary to attend the webinar.   

Visit the Copyright Review Program webpage for background on the program’s history and current goals.


Copyright Determinations


July 2018



Public Domain


Public Domain



5,124 (75.4%)


238,440 (56.4%)



84 (62.7%)


160,588 (51.1%)



Featured copyright reviewer: elissa mondschein

elissa mondschein

Library Information Associate, Access & Information Services, University of Arizona

Years working in a library: 24

HathiTrust start date: December 2016

Review statistics: 2,300 total reviews, 1,474 public domain determinations


I enjoy the copyright review work, analyzing the volumes to determine if a work is in the public domain.  When we open material up for use by patrons it adds to the collection of participating libraries.  Through this project I’ve learned much about copyright itself, and have used this in my work on the reference desk at the University of Arizona.  Copyright determination is much more complex than just, ‘if the work was published before the year …’ and I try to help patrons understand the many levels of complexity that can keep a work out of the public domain.


September 12: Next HTRC Office Hours  

As the academic year begins, HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) continues to offer HTRC, Help!, a series of monthly virtual office hours, held the second Wednesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. ET. An expert from the HTRC answers questions and discusses research projects.

Upcoming office hours date: September 12, 2018, 3:00 p.m. ET

Join the Zoom conference line at go.illinois.edu/htrchelp-live.


See the HTRC Wiki page for more dates and an overview of the primary HTRC tools to help determine the best approach for text mining research.

U.S. Federal Documents Program

Federal Documents within the HathiTrust Digital Library, as of August 1, 2018

  • 505,736 bibliographic records

  • 1,249,505 digital objects

  • 474,473 monographs

  • 30,835 serial titles

Shared Print Program

Highlights of current activities in the HathiTrust Shared Print Program include:

  • Work is proceeding to identify and prioritize a new set of retention commitments for Phase 2. The goal is to secure print retention commitments for HathiTrust digital monographs that did not receive a commitment in Phase 1. A total of 62 member libraries have offered to serve as prospective Retention Libraries in Phase 2.  A Retention Models Working Group has been established to propose the desired number of print copies to retain under various circumstances.

  • The Shared Print Advisory Committee (SPAC) recommended tabling the discussion of a change that would have allowed shared print retention of non-circulating items for Phase 2. This decision leaves the current policy in place (which requires lending the physical volume) while leaving open the option to consider this change in the future.

  • The program recommends that HathiTrust Retention Libraries postpone registering their HathiTrust commitments in WorldCat. Program staff are monitoring development of a new OCLC Shared Print Registration Service, and will report back with some additional documentation when we believe it is better able to support use by HathiTrust Retention Libraries.

  • Interviews are underway for a Shared Print Program Officer to succeed Lizanne Payne, who has announced her plan to retire in early 2019.

See the latest Shared Print Program Update August 2018 for more information about these activities.


In the News, Publications, and Research

Popular LibGuide Draws on HathiTrust Repository

Prior to becoming Head of Government Information and Data Archives at the University of Missouri (HathiTrust member since 2011), Marie Concannon spent ten years at the State History Museum of Missouri. A self-proclaimed history lover and purveyor of government sources, she enjoyed answering visitor questions such as ‘What did such-and-such cost in such-and-such time period?’

When she joined the University of Missouri, she discovered one of the most popular reference books in the collection was a tattered copy of The Value of a Dollar, a collection of U.S. prices and wages over the decades with data derived primarily from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Always considering how to better connect patrons with sought-after information, Marie thought, “I should just tell them where to find the information!” And thus she began to build the “Prices and Wages by Decade” library guide.

The HathiTrust newsletter will publish a two-part blog post based on a conversation with Marie at the American Library Association meeting in New Orleans earlier this summer. Part I highlights the inception of the popular site — which already in 2018 has received 500,000 hits — and the role HathiTrust plays in supporting this beloved resource. Part II, which HathiTrust will publish in October, will share Marie’s processes, tips, and tools for the benefit of others who may wish to build a reference service of their own.

Read Part I: Unleashing the Power of U.S. Federal Documents

Is your institution using HathiTrust materials in a similar way? Do you have a resource you would like to share with other HathiTrust member institutions? Please contact Jessica Rohr, Member Engagement and Communications Specialist, jbelle@hathitrust.org.


HathiTrust Staff on the Road

HathiTrust staff will be attending the following events.  Please contact us if you wish to meet us at any of these events!

  • September 12: Climate Heritage Mobilization @ Global Climate Action Summit 2018, San Francisco, CA: Heather Christenson
  • September 27: Humanities Open Book Program, Mellon Foundation, New York NY: Sandra McIntyre
  • October 3-4: Google Library Summit, Sunnyvale, CA: Mike Furlough, Sandra McIntyre, Heather Christenson 
  • October 8-10: edUi Conference 2018, Charlottesville, VA: Angelina Zaytsev
  • October 10-12: Access 2018 Conference, Hamilton, ON: Mike Furlough, Kristina Eden
  • October 15-18: Digital Library Federation Forum 2018 and NDSA Digital Preservation 2018, Las Vegas, NV: Natalie Fulkerson, Mike Furlough (presenting), Sandra McIntyre, Jessica Rohr
  • October 22-24: Federal Depository Library Conference, Arlington, VA: Heather Christenson, Valerie Glenn
  • October 30: HathiTrust Member Meeting, Rosemont, IL: HathiTrust Staff

News or Research to Share?

If you or a patron at your institution has any news to share regarding a publication, presentation, grant, or research underway related to HathiTrust, we would love to hear about it.  Please share with Jessica Rohr, Member Engagement and Communications Specialist, at jbelle@hathitrust.org.




You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.