Top News
HathiTrust Board
The HathiTrust Board of Governors will meet on May 9, 2014 in Columbus, Ohio immediately after the ARL meeting. The very full agenda includes a discussion about copyright in the context of mass digitization, consideration of a draft policy for limiting access to materials with personal sensitive information, and a review of HathiTrust’s mission and goals, stemming from a 2011 Constitutional Convention ballot initiative.
Program Steering Committee Nominations
With Mike Furlough assuming the role of Executive Director of HathiTrust, a vacancy has opened up on the Program Steering Committee. The Board of Governors welcomes nominations to fill a two-year term on the PSC, commencing June 1, 2015. Nominations may be submitted by Member Representatives, but self-nominations are also welcome. Nominees should be at the AUL or senior management level to ensure an appropriate level of experience in the issues at hand.
Nominations should include the name, title, and institution of the nominee, and should be sent to Brian Schottlaender at with the Subject line “HT PSC Nomination.” Nominations should be received by May 16, 2014.
The Program Steering Committee “reviews HathiTrust’s development agenda, shaping initiatives and strategies for Board discussion and decision-making, and considering the implications of those initiatives for the future.” The Committee meets virtually roughly biweekly, and may hold one to two in-person meetings per year. Much of the Committee’s work is carried out through working groups or task forces formed to address specific issues and initiatives. For more information, see
User Support Working Group Nominations
The User Support Working Group is seeking nominations for up to 2 new members. We are seeking staff who have expertise in providing general user support and those who have expertise in cataloging in particular. To submit nominations and for further information about the working group, please visit
HathiTrust and DPLA
HathiTrust was the “top Hub” reported in DPLA’s April Hupdate. View the full report for more details.
HathiTrust ingested new locally-digitized content from the University of Illinois and the University of Delaware, and corresponded with several other institutions that are preparing locally-digitized volumes for deposit.
California Digital Library (CDL) loaded 106,241 new or updated bibliographic records from partners into Zephir.
Working Groups and Committees
Program Steering Committee
The Program Steering Committee (PSC) continued the process of appointing working groups and committees. The roster for the Collections Committee is now complete, and includes Ivy Anderson (chair, and PSC liaison), Sharon Farb, Dan Hazen, Carmelita Pickett, Bryan Skib, Claire Stewart, Tom Teper, and Ann Thornton. Tom Teper will also serve as chair of the Print Monographs Archive Planning Task Force, now in the process of appointing members.
Elaine Westbrooks will chair a new Rights & Access Working Group. The PSC is seeking additional members to serve on this group, and will issue a formal call for volunteers. Those interested in serving on this group may also contact Bob Wolven, PSC chair, at
The PSC has also begun working with the Zephir Management Team at California Digital Library to form a Zephir Advisory Group (ZAG). This group will draft and recommend new features and service enhancements for the Zephir metadata management system as well as metadata policies that: have strategic impact on and/or implications for the broader HathiTrust community and/or require resources beyond the current allotment for running Zephir. The ZAG will also serve in a consulting capacity when the CDL Zephir Operations Team drafts policies and procedures to address operational considerations.
Copyright Review
A summary of the determinations from HathiTrust copyright review activities in April is given below. See CRMS-US and CRMS-World, projects funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, for further information.
April |
Overall |
Public Domain Determinations |
All Determinations |
Public Domain Determinations |
All Determinations |
1,240 | 1,418 | 165,125 | 313,965 |
CRMS-World |
3,413 | 7,561 | 55,632 | 110,057 |
Total |
4,653 | 8,979 | 220,757 | 424,022 |
Government Documents Registry
Project staff continued to review and refine automated methods to identify relationships between items, including duplicate volumes. Staff continued to review types of metadata that could be used to identify gaps in holdings, and to investigate strategies to determine the comprehensiveness of certain sets of materials in the repository.
HathiTrust Research Center
Harriet Green of the HTRC team (UIUC Library) gave a Web tutorial on HTRC at The Humanities and Technology Camp (THATCamp), 24-25 April, 2014 in Gainsville, Florida. The session provided an introduction to using the HTRC portal for basic text mining investigations. Attendees learned how to build a workset from the HTRC corpus, apply the textual analysis tools provided in the HTRC portal, and generate visualizations such as word clouds and statistical frequencies. View the slides or a recording of the presentation.
HTRC is making progress on an internal review of its security practices in anticipation of a review by HathiTrust. The process is engaging University security teams at both University of Illinois and Indiana University.
Staff began a major code refactoring of the Norm module, which will include moving much of the functionality into XSLT.
Development Updates
Authentication and Authorization
Staff continued development of an application to simplify and enhance the administration of users (such as staff performing copyright review) who are permitted to have special access to restricted items. The application will support renewal, deletion, and automatic expiration of such users and is expected to be completed in June.
Full-text Search
Staff created two test indexes, each containing nearly 3 million volumes in three shards (sections), to test the scalability and performance of several features related to Solr’s grouping functionality: field-collapsing, the use of docValues for faceting, and the Collapsing Query Parser. The first index uses individual pages rather than whole documents as the primary unit of indexing and includes approximately 900 million Solr documents. The second index uses 3,000 word “chunks" as the unit of indexing and includes approximately 90 million Solr documents. Performance testing will begin in May. A third index using Solr’s block-join indexing will also be created in May. This work is part of an exploration of ways to improve Solr’s relevance ranking for HathiTrust volumes.
Staff continued to troubleshoot network performance and stability issues with new high-performance storage for full-text search, and are currently engaged with the highest levels of both the storage and networking system providers.
Staff deployed a new version of the imgsrv application. The new version more effectively supports the generation of derivative copies from a variety of content types (currently digitized books composed of page images and OCR, and in the near future, borndigital articles formatted in JATS XML). EPUB versions of content, delivered only through the mobile interface, are now built using item HTML coordinate OCR when the HTML OCR is available. This provides a better user experience than EPUBs created with plain, unstructured OCR, which lack paragraph breaks.
Staff made progress on improvements and bug fixes in the generation of the “search in this text” search results page.
Server Replacement Cycle
Staff prepared system configurations and requested pricing for the first replacement cycle of HathiTrust’s full-text search servers. The deployed infrastructure will be expanded by approximately 50% to accommodate increases in usage and a doubling of the number of volumes in the repository since the full-text search capability was initially launched in 2009. Installation of the new servers is expected to be complete by the end of June.
Spelling Suggester
Staff tested two language identification programs designed to be used on short documents such as search queries in order to assess whether information about language would be helpful as an additional clue for the spelling suggester. Preliminary results showed that the single best guess by the language identification program is not accurate enough to be useful.
Cumulative 12-month availability of repository access: 99.827%*
HathiTrust searching and book-viewing unavailable for some users on Tuesday, April 1 from 3:22-3:33pm due to a manual error made in database configuration.
HathiTrust book-viewing was unavailable on Wednesday, April 30 from 1:35-1:45pm due to a manual error made in an application configuration file.
* Repository access refers to page viewing and full-text search functionality, i.e., user-facing applications. It does not refer to preservation or storage infrastructure, which is under continual operation.
New Growth
As of May 1:
April | Overall | |
Boston College | 0 | 3,111 |
Columbia University | 0 | 65,037 |
Cornell University | 4,744 | 449,118 |
Duke University | 0 | 7,258 |
Harvard University | 0 | 237,435 |
Indiana University | 4 | 195,651 |
Keio University | 0 | 88,956 |
Library of Congress | 0 | 107,929 |
New York Public Library | 21 | 291,661 |
North Carolina State University | 0 | 3,196 |
Northwestern University | 4 | 37,643 |
Ohio State University | 22 | 21,108 |
Penn State University | 1,271 | 79,199 |
Princeton University | 0 | 251,710 |
Purdue University | 0 | 44,698 |
Texas A&M University | 0 | 1,201 |
Universidad Complutense | 0 | 112,148 |
University of California | 17,646 | 3,494,244 |
The University of Chicago | 13 | 39,169 |
University of Delaware | 10 | 19 |
University of Florida | 0 | 9,765 |
University of Illinois | 1,225 | 135,691 |
University of Massachusetts, Amherst | 0 | 9,411 |
University of Michigan | 121 | 4,670,559 |
University of Minnesota | 3 | 119,862 |
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | 0 | 17,025 |
University of Virginia | 0 | 50,821 |
University of Wisconsin | 0 | 555,973 |
Utah State | 0 | 117 |
Yale University | 0 | 23,678 |
Total | 25,084 | 11,123,514 |
Public Domain (~33%)
Total* | 57,185 | 3,739,276 |
* Includes volumes opened through copyright review and rights holder permissions
Summary of Issues Received by User Support
Issue Type | April 2014 | March 2014 |
Content | 154 | 181 |
Quality |
143 | 168 |
Collections |
11 | 13 |
Cataloging | 187 | 203 |
Access and Use | 142 | 212 |
Copyright |
101 | 144 |
Permissions |
10 | 13 |
Takedown |
1 | 2 |
Print on Demand |
1 | 0 |
Inter-library loan |
0 | 4 |
Full-PDF or e-copy requests |
14 | 20 |
Datasets |
3 | 2 |
Data Availability and APIs |
2 | 1 |
Reuse of content |
4 | 4 |
Web applications | 20 | 18 |
Functionality problems |
10 | 7 |
Problems with login specifically |
3 | 2 |
General Questions about Login |
1 | 2 |
Partners setting up login |
0 | 0 |
Usability issues |
0 | 0 |
Feature requests |
1 | 2 |
Partner Ingest | 11 | 16 |
General | 110 | 101 |
Partnership |
18 | 5 |
Infrastructure |
0 | 0 |
Miscellaneous |
92 | 96 |
Total | 624 | 731 |
Most Accessed Volumes
April Forecast
- Test Solr’s grouping and block-join functionality at scale for work on relevance ranking improvements.
- Continue development of application to enhance administration of users with special access to materials.
- Continue improvements and bug fixes in the “search in this text” feature.
- Integrate the new Image Server capabilities for continuous text (e.g., JATS encoded articles without page breaks) into PageTurner.
Papers & Presentations
- Seth Johnson, Bryan Smith, Kevin Hawkins, “mPach Integrated Publishing and Archiving of Journals in HathiTrust”, April 1-2, 2014.
- Jeremy York, “Getting the Most Out of HathiTrust: An Overview of Resources, Tools, and Services”, Oakland University, April 10, 2014.
- J. Stephen Downie, “HathiTrust Research Center: The Workset Creation for Scholarly Analysis (WCSA) Prototyping Project”, University of Western Ontario, April 14, 2014.
- Harriett Green, “HTRC Workshop 101” (slides | webinar), THATCamp, Gainesville, FL, April 24, 2014.