Available Indexes

October 2020 Update

New Members

We are pleased to announce that Florida Gulf Coast UniversityThe College of Wooster, DePauw University, James Madison University, Loyola University Chicago, Princeton Theological Seminary, University of Western Ontario, Washington and Lee University, Wellesley College, and Willamette University have joined the HathiTrust member community. See the full membership list on our website. 

Emergency Temporary Access Service Updates

As we continue into the fall and future semesters of the Emergency Temporary Access Service, we encourage you to review the following tips for making the most of the service. For service questions or to reactivate ETAS, please contact feedback@issues.hathitrust.org.

ETAS Records and Your Catalog: Integrate and Mark as Non-Circulating 

Whether your library is currently using ETAS or has discontinued for the current semester, there are ways to make all HathiTrust records more apparent in your catalog. The methods outlined in the documentation linked below include using APIs and third-party vendors such as Alma to identify HathiTrust titles and to mark the ETAS-available items as unavailable for print circulation. 

How to Add ETAS Records to Your Catalog

How to Make ETAS Items Non-Circ in Your Catalog

Automatic HathiTrust Login

Make it easier for your patrons to access HathiTrust titles by setting up Automatic Login. By appending a HathiTrust URL with a specific syntax, your patrons can click on titles and be automatically passed to your institution’s authentication system to be “automatically” logged in to HathiTrust. See Automatic Login for more information.

ETAS Usage & Overlap Reports

Emergency Temporary Access Service (ETAS) usage and overlap reports are available for any institution that has in the past, or is currently, using ETAS. A link to your library’s unique Box folder is sent each Wednesday to the ETAS contact at your library. You may use the reports to identify titles with high circulation for possible print or e-book purchase and to see trends in daily, weekly, and monthly usage. The mid-month update of your overlap report helps you identify which titles in your print collection are available through ETAS, as well as public domain titles in HathiTrust that are always available. For questions on ETAS, usage reports, or for help identifying your ETAS contact, send an inquiry to feedback@issues.hathitrust.org.

Read more about ETAS Usage Reports, Overlap Reports, and watch the webinar ETAS Virtual Office Hours: Usage & Overlap Reports.

HathiTrust Research Center Wins Grant to Curate Under-represented Collections

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation recently awarded a $500,000 grant to support the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) at its host sites, Indiana University and the University of Illinois. The grant will allow HTRC to develop reusable worksets and research models for analyzing texts from the 17.4-million-item HathiTrust Digital Library with an emphasis on content related to historically under-resourced and marginalized textual communities.

The project—Scholar-Curated Worksets for Analysis, Reuse & Dissemination (SCWAReD, pronounced “squared”)—aims to develop new methods for creating and analyzing digital collections, and pairs human expertise with advanced technologies to identify, recover, and curate texts related to historically under-resourced and marginalized textual communities. 

HathiTrust Research Center Director, John A. Walsh, professor at Indiana University’s Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, along with HTRC co-director, J. Stephen Downie, University of Illinois iSchool Professor and Associate Dean for Research, are principal investigators on the project. Maryemma Graham, University of Kansas, will also lead project efforts. Indiana University and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign co-host the HathiTrust Research Center.

For its flagship and initial curated collection and research model, SCWAReD will partner with the University of Kansas' Project on the History of Black Writing (HBW), founded by Dr. Graham in 1983.  HBW created the first dedicated archive of Black fiction, as well as the Black Book Interactive Project (BBIP) to increase the visibility of and research on Black-authored materials. The HTRC team will work with the BBIP team on worksets and analysis.

Adapted from the IU press release: Indiana University awarded $500,000 from Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

HathiTrust Joins OpenAthens Federation

Open Athens Logo

HathiTrust recently joined the OpenAthens Federation as a service provider, an action that will enable authorized member access to the HathiTrust corpus by libraries that use the OpenAthens identity provider to connect their patrons with online resources. OpenAthens is a UK-based identity and access management software and systems company serving 2,600 entities in education, healthcare, government and other industries around the world, including throughout Europe, Japan, New Zealand, and the U.S. 

Joining the OpenAthens Federation means that more academic libraries may be able to access  HathiTrust services. Single sign-on access issues are a barrier to HathiTrust membership for some libraries without access to centralized identity and access management services from their institutions. For those libraries, Shibboleth and membership in a national federation, such as the InCommon Federation for U.S. organizations, can be difficult to implement on their own, and OpenAthens provides one hosted alternative. 

The Florida State University System and University System of Georgia are the first members to benefit. Jason J. Battles, Deputy University Librarian at the University of Georgia Libraries, says, “We are excited to have HathiTrust join OpenAthens. It is going to provide 20 additional institutions in the University System of Georgia ... access to the HathiTrust membership the USG has been a part of for the past three years.”

Read more about HathiTrust’s membership in OpenAthens federation and contact feedback@issues.hathitrust.org with questions. 

New HathiTrust Community on Slack

HathiTrust wants to help members connect with other HathiTrust members and recently launched the HathiTrust Community on Slack in time for the 2020 HathiTrust Community Week. The Slack platform is a private, ad-free virtual space. The HathiTrust Community on Slack is for members only, allowing members to touch base with others deeply involved in HathiTrust services and programs, to swap best practices, and to get help from other members.

Assessment after the 2020 Member Meeting and HathiTrust Community Week will inform plans to keep it going into the future. 

People affiliated with member libraries are welcome to join. Please submit a request by emailing feedback@issues.hathitrust.org. We will add you to the main channel.

2020 Member Meeting & HathiTrust Community Week 

Library professionals from 148 HathiTrust member institutions will attend the 2020 Member Meeting on Thursday, October 22. Not only is this the first virtual member meeting, it is also the first member meeting featuring a plenary panel discussion. The session will be recorded and made public following the event.

Interdependence and Crisis brings together panelists from Libraries and Archives, Higher Education, and Philanthropy.  Each will be asked to speculate on how the access to and preservation of knowledge will be challenged in coming years and how we can collectively work to address those challenges.    


  • Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Director of Digital Humanities and Professor of English at Michigan State University

  • Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Professor/Coordinator for Information Literacy Services and Instruction at the University Library and Affiliate Professor in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • Patricia Hswe, Program Officer for Public Knowledge, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

    Moderator: Elaine Westbrooks, University Librarian & Vice Provost, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Attendees should take note that both the Member Meeting and the HathiTrust Community Week are operating under an interim Code of Conduct while the Statement of Values and Code of Conduct Task Force completes its work. 

Examining the Case for a Global Dataset of Digitized Texts (GDD Network) 

HathiTrust recently wrapped up participation in the Network for a Global Dataset of Digitised Texts, a one-year project supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council in the UK. Led by the University of Glasgow, the project also included the British Library, the National Library of Scotland, the National Library of Wales, and Research Libraries UK.

The project looked at the feasibility of developing a single global dataset documenting the extent of digitized texts. The final report sets out two key areas of work – identification of core use cases, and metadata aggregation and data matching – and identifies a clear value proposition for the development of the dataset. Read more about the project on the GDD project website.  

A follow-on project, OpenTexts.World, led by the National Library of Scotland carries this initial work forward with a public facing registry of over 8 million digitized texts that incorporates records from the grant participants and five additional libraries.

Read the final report, Towards a Global Dataset of Digitised Texts: Final Report of the Global Digitised Dataset Network: Gooding, P.  and Fulkerson, N. (2020) Towards a Global Dataset of Digitised Texts: Final Report of the Global Digitised Dataset Network. Project Report. GDD Network, Glasgow and Ann Arbor, MI.  

Access to Public Domain Items from Outside U.S.

Because of differences in international copyright laws, individuals affiliated with a U.S.-based member library who log in to HathiTrust from OUTSIDE the U.S. do not have access to items assigned a status of “Public Domain in the United States.”  Items marked “Public Domain in the United States” are available to users within the U.S. only, while items marked “Public Domain (PD)” are available worldwide.  Copyright law is based on a physical location, not on institutional affiliation or IP address, nor in conjunction with the use of VPNs, proxies, or other technologies, which may mask physical location. Copyright status of items in HathiTrust is initially determined by information in the bibliographic record (see Bibliographic Rights Determination) and adjusted through targeted manual reviews by the HathiTrust Copyright Review Program, which identifies titles that are no longer protected by copyright and have entered the public domain.

Individual users of HathiTrust are responsible for following all local copyright laws. Find more information on the HathiTrust corpus and copyright, as well as Access and Use Policies, on the HathiTrust website.

You are browsing an archive of the HathiTrust website. In July 2023, we launched a new site at www.hathitrust.org.